Congo (Brazzaville) - Population: 0
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-05-08 Awareness campaigns 24 communication vehicles used to raise awareness on Covid-19. ... Government — Congo
2020-03-20 Awareness campaigns ... Health Ministry — Congo
2020-03-21 Border closure  All borders are closed untile further notice, with exception of trade transportation.... Government — Congo
2020-05-16 Border closure  Border closures, except for cargo flights and vessels, is be extended until Sunday, May 31.... GardaWorld
2020-07-27 Border closure  Congolese borders remain closed. The government is planning to re-open the borders on Aug 20 if adeq... US Embassy
2020-05-18 Closure of businesses and public services The resumption of normal economic activity will be allowed in zone 2 from the 18th of May, as long a... GardaWorld
2020-06-20 Curfews curfew from 22:00 until 05:00 is extended until July 30, 2020. Previously was set to expire June 20... US Embassy
2020-07-28 Curfews the curfew will regress from 22:00 to 20:00 until 05:00 in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire.... US Embassy
2020-05-16 Curfews The current nationwide overnight curfew between 20:00 and 05:00 (local time) is extended until the 3... GardaWorld
2020-03-31 Curfews National curfew from 8pm to 5am, during 30 days.... Government — Congo
2020-06-06 Curfews The Congolese government has extended the nationwide curfew orders due to the coronavirus disease (C... GardaWorld
2020-04-30 Curfews Curfew extended until the 15th of May.... US Embassy
2020-06-01 Curfews Curfew from 20:00 until 05:00 is extended until June 18, 2020.... US Embassy
2020-05-18 Domestic travel restrictions The country has been divided into two geographic zones that will gradually reduce COVID-19 restricti... GardaWorld
2020-04-30 Domestic travel restrictions Extension of the domestic travel restriction: suspension of non-essential travel until 15th of May.... Foreign Ministry — UK
2020-03-31 Domestic travel restrictions Travels are forbidden in the entire territory for 30 days, with exception for essential travels.... Government — Congo
2020-06-23 Domestic travel restrictions Movements between the cities of Brazzaville, and Pointe-Noire and the rest of the country are allowe... US Embassy
2020-07-27 Domestic travel restrictions Domestic passenger flights and road traffic may resume nationwide... US Embassy
2020-03-31 Economic measures Creation of a new fund to support companies and the economy.... Government — Congo
2020-03-15 Health screenings in airports and border crossings Body temperature checks at both international airports and at the Brazzaville Beach landing.... US Embassy of Brazil
2020-07-27 International flights suspension The suspension of international passenger flights remains in effect... US Embassy
2020-03-09 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies 14day quarantine for high risk countries including mainland China, South Korea, Iran, Italy. Also fo... French Embassy
2020-03-04 Isolation and quarantine policies 14 day quarantine for high risk countries including mainland China, South Korea, Iran, Italy. Also f... French Embassy
2020-04-13 Limit public gatherings Markets will be open monday, wednesday and Friday.... Government — Congo
2020-03-19 Limit public gatherings Closing of religious centers, restaurants, bars and club for 30 days.... Health Ministry — Congo
2020-03-31 Military deployment Military is responsible for implementing the state of emergency.... Government — Congo
2020-04-30 Partial lockdown Home confinement is extended until the 15th of May. All shops, except those selling food and essenti... US Embassy
2020-03-31 Partial lockdown The entire population must confine at home for 30 days, with exception made for essential travels (b... Government — Congo
2020-04-30 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Mandatory to wear face masks in public. ... GardaWorld
2020-07-27 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Masks are still required in public and social distancing and hygiene requirements will continue.... US Embassy
2020-03-19 Schools closure  For 30 days... Health Ministry — Congo
2020-06-20 State of emergency declared The country remains under a state of health emergency is extended until July 30, 2020. Previously wa... US Embassy
2020-04-29 State of emergency declared Extension of the state of health emergency until the 10th of May.... Garda
2020-03-28 State of emergency declared National sanitary state of emergency declared.... Government — Congo
2020-07-27 State of emergency declared The government of The Republic of Congo extended a State of Health Emergency until August 19 to limi... US Embassy
2020-08-13 State of emergency declared Authorities extend state of health emergency until September 8... Garda
2020-03-21 Strengthening the public health system A number of health structures are being requisitioned by the government.... Government — Congo
2020-05-27 Testing policy Reception of 40000 Covid-19 tests.... Government — Congo
2020-04-13 Testing policy Markets to be disinfected every tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday.... Government — Congo
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