Chile - Population: 18,952,038
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-06-10 Economic measures the payment to new families benefiting from the Emergency Family Income, which is part of the set of... Chile Govt
2020-07-05 Economic measures President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, presented a support program for the middle class that... Chile Govt
2020-09-12 Closure of businesses and public services The Metropolitan Park will open its doors during the weekends from Saturday, September 12.... Chile Govt
2020-07-21 Economic measures President Piñera delivers US $ 120 million to municipalities to strengthen measures against the cor... Chile Govt
2020-08-20 Economic measures Fundación Artesanías de Chile: First Lady announces new website and campaign to support artisans i... Chile Govt
2020-08-21 Curfews Government announces extension in curfew hours - the curfew hours will begin at 11:00 p.m. and the e... Chile Govt
2020-08-19 Other public health measures enforced Government launches the "Air Passenger" app with health measures and recommendations for air travel... Chile Govt
2020-08-13 Economic measures Presidents Piñera and Moreno sign Chile-Ecuador Free Trade Agreement, which will generate important... Chile Govt
2020-06-01 Psychological assistance and medical social work President presents Mental Health-Healthy program: "In times of adversity, the Government has to prot... Chile Govt
2020-08-16 Economic measures MTT will finance 137 investment projects throughout the country in the "Plan Step by Step Chile reco... Chile Govt
2020-07-19 Emergency administrative structures activated or established The President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, presented the “Step by Step” Plan, which cons... Chile Govt
2020-09-04 Strengthening the public health system Minister of Science met with 63 research teams that promote solutions and new knowledge about the pa... Chile Govt
2020-08-26 Economic measures Ministry of Economy presents new direct support program to benefit tourism SMEs in alliance with Ban... Chile Govt
2020-08-26 Partial lockdown Minsal announces that nine communes in the Metropolitan Region enter the Transition stage and anothe... Chile Govt
2020-06-29 Economic measures President Piñera signs a project that expands coverage and benefits of the Employment Protection La... Chile Govt
2020-06-02 Strengthening the public health system President Piñera receives a shipment of mechanical ventilators and oxygen therapy equipment to serv... Chile Govt
2020-09-02 Economic measures President Piñera highlights tax benefits for small and medium-sized companies and signs insolvency ... Chile Govt
2020-08-24 Partial lockdown Pilot Plan for "Safe Visiting Booths" will allow to maintain contact with older adults in long-stay ... Chile Govt
2020-08-19 Limit public gatherings President Piñera announces the return of professional soccer: "The time has come to take that new s... Chile Govt
2020-07-31 Economic measures The President announced a massive and urgent program of employment subsidies, which may benefit up t... Chile Govt
2020-05-29 Economic measures President Piñera begins payment of the Guaranteed Minimum Income Subsidy that will benefit up to 70... Chile Govt
2020-08-19 Mass population testing free mobile PCR testing operation at the Alameda Bus Terminal in the capital.... Chile Govt
2020-08-21 Partial lockdown While seven communes continue to advance in the Step by Step Plan, another six are backing down... Chile Govt
2020-09-10 Strengthening the public health system Undersecretary of Public Health inaugurates traceability center and PCR analysis laboratory... Chile Govt
2020-07-03 Economic measures payment to more than 1.5 million households of the Emergency Family Income, part of the social prote... Chile Govt
2020-06-07 Strengthening the public health system incorporation of school transport into the system for transferring suspected patients or with Covid-... Chile Govt
2020-06-14 Economic measures The program, which amounts to US $ 12,000 million, expands and strengthens the Emergency Family Inco... Chile Govt
2020-06-18 Surveillance and monitoring With the legal amendment, penalties ranging from 61 to 540 days or a fine of $ 300 thousand to $ 1 m... Chile Govt
2020-09-12 Surveillance and monitoring Undersecretary of Public Health announces reinforcement of sanitary control with 100 new inspectors ... Chile Govt
2020-08-17 Strengthening the public health system Universities develop indicators for monitoring the pandemic thanks to a data agreement with the Gove... Chile Govt
2020-09-01 Limit public gatherings communes in Step 3, restaurants and cafes will be able to attend in person on terraces and open spac... Chile Govt
2020-07-02 Economic measures grace pensions provided under the title "Heroes of the Fatherland" for relatives of health officials... Chile Govt
2020-05-23 Partial lockdown All of the metropolitan region of Santiago and six neighbouring municipalities (San Bernardo, Buin, ... Foreign Ministry — UK
2020-03-19 State of emergency declared 90-day ‘National State of Catastrophe’... Foreign Ministry — UK
2020-03-22 Curfews Nationwide curfew between the hours of 2200 and 0500 until further notice.... Foreign Ministry — UK
2020-03-23 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine around the town of Puerto Williams, ‘sanitary cordon’ around the town of Chillan and ... Foreign Ministry — UK
2020-03-23 Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine around the town of Puerto Williams, ‘sanitary cordon’ around the town of Chillan and ... Foreign Ministry — UK
2020-09-11 State of emergency declared Chilean authorities announced that the country's state of catastrophe has been extended by 90 days u... GardaWorld
2020-09-11 Limit public gatherings National restrictions, including a ban on gatherings of more than 50 people... GardaWorld
2020-09-11 Closure of businesses and public services National restrictions, including the closure of non-essential businesses remain in effect... GardaWorld
2020-09-11 Requirement to wear protective gear in public National restrictions, including the mandatory use of face masks in public remain in effect... GardaWorld
2020-08-17 Surveillance and monitoring police permissions to leave residences on weekdays will no longer be required for adults, although c... GardaWorld
2020-08-17 Closure of businesses and public services the lockdown in Santiago's central business district and adjoining Central Station will gradually be... GardaWorld
2020-09-11 Curfews National restrictions, including a nightly 23:00 to 05:00 (local time) curfew remain in effect... GardaWorld
2020-06-12 Isolation and quarantine policies Health Minister Jaime Mañalich announced that total quarantine measures will be expanded to other a... GardaWorld
2020-08-28 Border closure  The Chilean government has extended the closure of all land, sea, and air borders until September 12... GardaWorld
2020-08-28 Emergency administrative structures activated or established The Chilean government utilizes a five-phased reopening plan, with different levels of restrictions ... GardaWorld
2020-09-03 State of emergency declared Chilean authorities have extended a nationwide state of catastrophe until September 25... GardaWorld
2020-08-28 Isolation and quarantine policies Chilean nationals, and citizens and permanent residents are still permitted to enter the country, al... GardaWorld
2020-09-18 Limit public gatherings Authorities have banned small gatherings in towns under strict lockdown ahead of national holidays t... GardaWorld
2020-08-17 Border closure  The country's borders remain closed to foreign travelers until further notice. The restrictions do n... GardaWorld
2020-08-17 Requirement to wear protective gear in public The requirements to wear masks and maintain social distancing remain in place.... GardaWorld
2020-09-17 Surveillance and monitoring Chilean authorities announced that they will reinforce the implementation of coronavirus disease (CO... GardaWorld
2020-06-06 Economic measures President Piñera highlights distribution of over 500,000 "food for Chile" baskets in the Metropolit... Government — Chile
2020-05-05 Partial lockdown The communes of Cerrillos, Quilicura, Recoleta and the extension of the commune of Santiago, in the ... Government — Chile
2020-03-25 Economic measures Price cap on basic products and pharmaceuticals.... Government — Chile
2020-03-30 Changes in prison-related policies The government ask the national police to 'take santary measures to avoid the infection of carceral ... Government — Chile
2020-06-07 Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine mesures in San Antonio, Valparaiso Region, and Calama, Antofagasta Region.... Government — Chile
2020-06-05 Economic measures Public utility, security and media services must apply for a permit for their workers, which will ha... Government — Chile
2020-03-21 Limit public gatherings Public gathering of more than 50 people are prohibited. ... Government — Chile
2020-04-01 Strengthening the public health system Private health sector (staff, facilities and equipment) is directed and coordinated by the public he... Government — Chile
2020-04-14 Economic measures Price cap on medical fees.... Government — Chile
2020-05-08 Checkpoints within the country Sanitary barriers will be installed at the accesses leading from the Metropolitan Region to Valparai... Government — Chile
2020-04-09 Economic measures 2nd plan of economic support for households and companies. ... Government — Chile
2020-06-15 State of emergency declared President Piñera extends 90-day Constitutional State of Emergency throughout the country.... Government — Chile
2020-05-02 Economic measures Economic support for the cultural sector.... Government — Chile
2020-03-26 Partial lockdown 7-day quarantine for the following neighborhoods (comunas) in Santiago: Santiago Centro, Independenc... Government — Chile
2020-05-08 Partial lockdown 12 new communes to be quarantined in Santiago. Extension of all other quarantined communes, excepted... Government — Chile
2020-05-06 Limit public gatherings All cemeteries will remain closed during the week-end to limit public gathering.... Government — Chile
2020-03-30 Partial lockdown All habitants from Chilian and Chilian Viejo are obligated to remain at home for 7 days.... Government — Chile
2020-03-30 Partial lockdown All habitants from Chilian and Chilian Viejo are obligated to remain at home for 7 days.... Government — Chile
2020-03-30 Partial lockdown All habitants from Osorno are obligated to remain at home for 7 days.... Government — Chile
2020-03-28 Partial lockdown All habitants from Temuco and Padre Las Casas are obligated to remain at home for 7 days.... Government — Chile
2020-03-28 Partial lockdown All habitants from Temuco and Padre Las Casas are obligated to remain at home for 7 days.... Government — Chile
2020-03-21 Schools closure  All pre-schools and schools, until 30th of March.... Government — Chile
2020-03-30 Limit public gatherings All visits to old people's home are forbidden. ... Government — Chile
2020-03-15 Changes in prison-related policies Below-18 prison must be quarantined for 14 days.... Government — Chile
2020-03-24 Domestic travel restrictions Chileans must not travel to any secondary home they may have.... Government — Chile
2020-03-24 Isolation and quarantine policies People aged 80+ should remain at home under quarantine.... Government — Chile
2020-06-16 Economic measures Economic support for low-income households. ... Government — Chile
2020-03-24 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies People aged 80+ should remain at home under quarantine.... Government — Chile
2020-04-17 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Extension: Obligatory to wear face mask in transports and closed public spaces, including lifts, ban... Government — Chile
2020-03-30 Checkpoints within the country Health checkpoints and passport checks at the entry and exit of provincial borders.... Government — Chile
2020-04-20 Economic measures Government increases by 50% the resources announced to support municipalities in the purchase of eme... Government — Chile
2020-04-17 Changes in prison-related policies General commutative pardons for men over 60 years of age, women over 55 years of age, pregnant wome... Government — Chile
2020-03-25 Curfews Extension of the curfew to 2pm - 5am.... Government — Chile
2020-03-10 Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival Any international travelers admitted to Chile (on an exceptional basis) should submit a sworn decla... Health Ministry — Chile
2020-03-19 Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine of 14 days for Easter Island. ... Health Ministry — Chile
2020-03-19 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine of 14 days for Easter Island. ... Health Ministry — Chile
2020-04-30 Domestic travel restrictions The Chilean Government will enforce a new sanitary cordon in the cities of Santiago and Concepcion u... La Tercera
2020-03-10 Isolation and quarantine policies Passengers from Spain or Italy... Ministry of Foreign Affairs - France
2020-03-10 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Passengers from Spain or Italy... Ministry of Foreign Affairs - France
2020-04-09 Partial lockdown Extension: Lo Barnechea, Las Condes, Vitacura, Providencia, Ñuñoa and Santiago remain under lock... Ministry of Foreign Affairs — France
2020-04-09 Checkpoints within the country Checkpoints for entry and exit of the Santiago Metropolitan Area and the city of Concepcion until th... Ministry of Foreign Affairs — France
2020-04-08 General recommendations Recommended to wear a mask in public spaces. Due to the lack of available masks, the government publ... Ministry of Foreign Affairs — France
2020-04-16 Partial lockdown Urban area of Arica is under lockdown until the 23rd of april.... Ministry of Foreign Affairs — France
2020-04-08 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Travellers must wear face mask in all public transports (avion, trains, buses, taxi, etc.).... Ministry of Foreign Affairs — France
2020-04-16 Partial lockdown El Bosque and San Berndao (North East) are under lockdown until the 23rd of april.... Ministry of Foreign Affairs — France
2020-04-13 Partial lockdown Extension: Las Condes, North of Santiago, North of Ñuñoa and Half of Puente Alto remain under qu... MoH
2020-04-30 Domestic travel restrictions Sanitary cordons set up in the Metropolitan Region and the Gran Concepción to prevent movement of ... MoH — Chile
2020-04-30 Partial lockdown La Pintana, south of San Ramón, as well as Estación Central, in the Metropolitan Region; Angol and... MoH — Chile
2020-05-25 Isolation and quarantine policies In order for people living in a situation of greater vulnerability to be able to carry out their iso... MoH — Chile
2020-05-12 Strengthening the public health system Increase of hospital capacities following increase of cases in Gran Santiago.... MoH — Chile
2020-05-20 Strengthening the public health system Second Modular Hospital arrives in Chile, adding 100 new beds to the Health Network.... MoH — Chile
2020-05-25 Strengthening the public health system The conversion of critical beds was increased in three hospitals in the Metropolitan Region: the Asi... MoH — Chile
2020-04-23 Partial lockdown 7-day quarantine and partial lockdown will apply to Quinta Normal, Pedro Aguirre Cerda & Independenc... MoH — Chile
2020-05-06 Economic measures APEC economies agree to keep markets open and trade flowing... NZ Beehive
2020-05-17 Economic measures Economic support to households and companies, to mitigate the negative economic impact of covid-19. ... President — Chile
2020-05-04 Economic measures Economic benefic "Bono Invirno 2020" delivered to pensioners. The benefit amounts to Ch$64,549 and w... President — Chile
2020-05-20 Domestic travel restrictions Sanitary cordons in place in Greater Santiago, Greater Concepción and Temuco.... UK Embassy
2020-05-15 Partial lockdown Easing of the patrtial lockdown in Angol and Victoria.... US Embassy
2020-05-15 Partial lockdown Total quarantine for Gran Santiago (includes all comunas in the Santiago Province, as well as the co... US Embassy
2020-05-10 Requirement to wear protective gear in public The use of face masks is mandatory in all all public spaces in the comuna of Las Condes.... US Embassy
2020-03-18 Border closure  Borders closed for entry for a minimum of 14 days. Chilean citizens and permanent residents are exem... US Embassy
2020-03-19 Military deployment Chilean armed forces are present at ports of entry to ensure compliance with the restrictions.... US Embassy
2020-03-15 Border closure  Cruises not allowed to dock at Chilean ports.... US Embassy
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