Cabo Verde - Population: 0
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-03-24 Economic measures Social Concert Agreement: To support companies and increase their liquidity, it was agreed to create... Cabe Verde Government
2020-03-27 Public services closure  municipal markets for the sale of agri-food products should operate with a reduced number of vendors... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 Surveillance and monitoring maritime surveillance will be reinforced to avoid and react to the violation of restrictive measures... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 Economic measures Informal sector measures ensure basic needs for food, access to health, family income and care - Pri... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 Awareness campaigns Ulisses Correia e Silva called on citizens to be faster than the virus “staying and staying at hom... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 Border closure  “flights and sea connections are suspended, with the exception of flights and sea connections carr... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 State of emergency declared State of emergency declared from the 27th of March, at zero o'clock and until the 17th of April, sig... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 Closure of businesses and public services municipal markets for the sale of agri-food products should operate with a reduced number of vendors... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-27 Schools closure  Schools remain closed until 17 April ... Cabo Verde Goverment
2020-03-29 Curfews Some essential serices are subject to opening hours, namely: Catering services can maintain their re... Cabo Verde Government
2020-05-15 Partial lockdown extension of the State of Emergency in Santiago for another 15 days is justified... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-13 Economic measures Government provides more than 25 thousand contos for domestic workers The measure was taken with th... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-11 Other public health measures enforced inter-island maritime connections for passenger transport are subject to compliance with health prot... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-09-30 Limit public gatherings cultural and sporting events such as parties, festivals and games of the various modalities, accordi... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-15 Curfews the duty of home collection will be exercised, with the movement of people being allowed to go to wo... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-11 Domestic travel restrictions Resumption of inter-island maritime connections for passenger transport, with the exception of those... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-11 Economic measures Chinese companies in Cape Verde donate 6.5 million escudos to reinforce the fight against the pandem... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-08 Other public health measures enforced “All federations have agreed to cancel their sporting seasons due to the demanding health protocol... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-05 Other public health measures enforced Civil servants or civil servants, as well as private ones, who work with public service, in which us... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-05 Economic measures Ulisses Correia e Silva ensures that low-income people will have community masks free of charge “T... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-05 Strengthening the public health system Surgical masks will be used by health professionals and others who have greater contact with risk, s... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-18 Closure of businesses and public services Museums start activities in compliance with all imposed health requirements... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-15 Limit public gatherings cultural, recreational, sports, leisure and fun activities are still prohibited;... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-22 Economic measures Government creates extraordinary compensation for workers in the National Health Service... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-15 Closure of businesses and public services “Services, companies and other organizations, public and private, will be allowed to operate”, s... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-15 Limit public gatherings carrying out of religious and worship activities that imply the gathering of people “ allowed in S... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-20 Economic measures It is essential that projects are carried out, especially the priority ones, says DG Treasury... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-21 Strengthening the public health system Government approves regulation for the prevention of contagion in vocational training institutions... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-22 Strengthening the public health system Amending Budget prioritizes Health and protects household income... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-29 Awareness campaigns discipline and compliance with rules will continue to be necessary so that“ we can live with the v... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-29 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Ulisses Correia e Silva approves the Deconfination Plan... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-29 Strengthening the public health system SATA flight arrives in Praia with laboratory equipment and materials to support COVID-19 control... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-29 Mass population testing massification of rapid tests and tests will continue in Praia laboratories and the reinforcement of ... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-29 Other public health measures enforced permanent health safety rules and procedures are defined to be followed in restaurants, bars, hotels... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-01 Closure of businesses and public services limitation of the opening hours of restaurants, fixed until 9 pm, are lifted on the 1st of June, thr... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-01 Domestic travel restrictions maritime connections for passenger transport, originating and destination in Boa Vista, will resume ... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-05 Closure of businesses and public services Government wants to give justice and the justice sector all the instruments so that they can return ... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-22 Economic measures Amending Budget prioritizes Health and protects household income... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-05 Emergency administrative structures activated or established law that repeals articles 6 and 7 of Law No. 83 / IX / 2020 of 4 April, which establishes exceptiona... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-30 Domestic travel restrictions Inter-island air links will resume as of June 30, including Santiago,... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-04-13 Economic measures extension of the deadline for automatic contract resolutions (it was 15 days, there will be another ... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-08-14 Economic measures “Despite the pandemic, we are creating all the conditions so that the start of the economy, even l... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-07-15 Other public health measures enforced Person who travels from Santiago or Sal to other islands, must present, at check in , a COVID 19 scr... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-07-15 Domestic travel restrictions from July 15, inter-island air travel and maritime connections between all islands for passenger tra... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-07-08 Surveillance and monitoring Government meets with municipalities to discuss directive for monitoring and supervising the impleme... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-03-20 Strengthening the public health system Green Line 800 11 12, available to the public with requests for information and handling of suspicio... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-03-20 Schools closure  remote teaching (radio) beginning on April 20 throughout the national territory, as an instrument to... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-03-28 Curfews Curfews placed on essential service home delivery catering firms, e-commerce firms and services for ... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-03-28 Closure of businesses and public services All businesses and activities not deemed essential should be closed during the lockdown... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-03-28 Public services closure  All businesses and activities not deemed essential should be closed during the lockdown... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-03-30 Strengthening the public health system Ulisses Correia e Silva said that he attested that 'there is enough disinfectant gel necessary to su... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-04-03 Emergency administrative structures activated or established On April 1, 2020, Decree-Law No. 38/2020, of March 31, came into force, which establishes exceptiona... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-04-03 Strengthening the public health system 179 more nurses are recruited and are being placed to reinforce health services in the various munic... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-04-07 Economic measures Government to create working group to think about post-pandemic economic policies. The information w... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-04-13 Emergency administrative structures activated or established the Executive has decided to introduce a standard in terms of access to the incentives provided by t... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-07-04 Surveillance and monitoring Government creates team to reinforce inspection actions to combat Covid-19... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-04-17 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Prime Minister delegates powers to MAI to coordinate mitigation actions for COVID-19 in Boa Vista as... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-06-12 Surveillance and monitoring Report confirms that the “Measures Adopted under the Declaration of the State of Emergency” by t... Cabo Verde Govt
2020-05-15 Economic measures Ambassador in Brussels donates half his salary to provide sanitary material to Equatoguinean colony... Govt RoEQ
2020-04-24 Awareness campaigns “Public health precautionary measures regarding individual protection, hygiene and health surveill... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-05-04 Partial lockdown S. Vicente leaves state of emergency on Monday... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-04-24 Economic measures Tax incentives will also be created for national production and commercialization of disinfectant ge... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-05-02 Partial lockdown the islands outside the state of emergency, public works and infrastructures with an impact on emplo... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-05-02 Economic measures “For all the islands, including Boa Vista and Santiago, the allocation of social income for emerge... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-04-24 Requirement to wear protective gear in public use of facial masks in closed indoor spaces for public attendance or that involve contact with the p... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-04-24 Strengthening the public health system companies operating in Cape Verde will be certified to produce social or community masks, through ta... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-04-24 Other public health measures enforced permanent measures will be implemented for the organization of public services, regular and mandator... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-06-30 Schools closure  Face-to-face classes of basic and secondary education will only take place in the next school year. ... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-04-24 General recommendations use of face masks is recommended, particularly in crowded situations, for more vulnerable people, na... Govt of Cabo Verde
2020-04-23 Economic measures Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility... IMF
2020-04-21 Domestic travel restrictions People stuck on islands with virus ‘can go home after negative test’... Macau Bus Hub
2020-03-02 International flights suspension Italy... Sapo25
1970-01-01 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies no official policy in place but stated as a posibility... US Embassy
1970-01-01 Isolation and quarantine policies no official policy in place but stated as a posibility... US Embassy
2020-04-27 Partial lockdown certain restrictions on businesses and public areas remain in effect under the “State of Calamity�... US Embassy Cabo Verde
2020-04-27 Other public health measures enforced Under Cabo Verdean law, all individuals outside their home are required to wear a facemask. the use ... US Embassy Cabo Verde
2020-04-27 Partial lockdown State of Emergency Extended for Santiago and Boa Vista through May 14... US Embassy Cabo Verde
2020-04-27 Domestic travel restrictions Nation-wide restrictions on inter-island movement of people to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 vi... US Embassy Cabo Verde
2020-04-17 Domestic travel restrictions New ban on inter-island travel. Prime Minister announced that the only exception to the current ban ... US Embassy in Cabo Verde
2020-04-16 State of emergency declared On April 16, the Government of Cabo Verde extended the State of Emergency for the islands of Boa Vis... US Embassy in Cabo Verde
2020-03-20 Border closure  Passengers on board cruise ships and sailboats will not be allowed to disembark in Cabe Verde from 1... US Embassy in Cabo Verde
2020-03-19 International flights suspension Effective March 19, for 3 weeks, the Government of Cabo Verde will suspend commercial passenger flig... US Embassy in Cabo Verde
2020-03-19 Border closure  As of March 19, non-Cabo Verdean citizens will not be permitted entry for a period of three weeks. T... US Embassy in Cabo Verde
2020-03-08 International flights suspension Cabo Verde Airlines temporarily suspended its flights from Cabo Verde to Washington due to significa... eTurbo News
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