2020-03-25 |
State of emergency declared |
Sierra Leone’s president has declared a 12-month public health emergency to tackle the coronavirus... |
AA |
2020-04-22 |
Economic measures |
The govenrment has decided to provide frontline healthcare workers with required incentives for the ... |
Africa News |
2020-06-01 |
Requirement to wear protective gear in public |
The wearing of face masks in public has been made compulsory in Sierra Leone effective today (June 1... |
Africa News |
2020-04-05 |
Partial lockdown |
Sierra Leone announces 72 hour lockdown 5th, 6th, 7th of april are dyas where everyone is to stay at... |
Africa News |
2020-03-16 |
Military deployment |
Military is directed to immediately deploy to the international airport and land crossing points in ... |
Africa News |
2020-03-28 |
Border closure |
Sierre Leone announced the closure of its borders for a 30 day period with the exception of cargo ve... |
Africa News |
2020-03-16 |
Emergency administrative structures activated or established |
Sierre Leone has activated the Emergency Operations Centre to Level 2 to coordinate initial prepared... |
Government |
2020-02-19 |
Health screenings in airports and border crossings |
... |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - France |
2020-03-16 |
Isolation and quarantine policies |
Mandatory quarantine measures applying to British nationals arriving in Sierra Leone from Monday 16 ... |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UK |
2020-03-16 |
Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies |
Mandatory quarantine measures applying to British nationals arriving in Sierra Leone from Monday 16 ... |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - UK |
2020-03-21 |
Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies |
If you have traveled to or transited through, within the last 14 days before arriving in Sierra Leon... |
Ministry of Health |
2020-03-21 |
Isolation and quarantine policies |
If you have traveled to or transited through, within the last 14 days before arriving in Sierra Leon... |
Ministry of Health |
2020-04-15 |
General recommendations |
The public is encouraged to wear face masks in public... |
Ministry of Infomation |
2020-04-18 |
Other public health measures enforced |
All transport operators, drivers and riders must wear a face mask.... |
Ministry of Infomation |
2020-04-17 |
Limit public gatherings |
Ferries will hereby only be used for transport of essential goods, not passengers allowed. Boats wit... |
Ministry of Infomation |
2020-04-28 |
Closure of businesses and public services |
There is a cessation of all court activities in the magistrate courts nationwide for a period of one... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-12 |
Public services closure |
Retail trade is limited to the sale of food, water, medicine, fuel and other essential items. Hygein... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-05-11 |
Closure of businesses and public services |
Civil high court which was due to resume proceedings on May 11th is hereby postponed from opening un... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-21 |
Other public health measures enforced |
Sierra Leone makes it mandatory to wear a facemask in public... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-12 |
Curfews |
Curfew instated from 9pm to 6am in the country.... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-12 |
Domestic travel restrictions |
All non-essential inter-district travel is strictly prohibited (Western Rural and Western Urban will... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-25 |
Domestic travel restrictions |
The prohibition of interdistrict travel, due to end 25th April will be extended until further notice... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-12 |
Closure of businesses and public services |
Retail trade is limited to the sale of food, water, medicine, fuel and other essential items. Hygein... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-12 |
General recommendations |
Citizens are strongly recommended to wear face masks in public and are advised to stay at home unles... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-04-25 |
Curfews |
The nationwide curfew of 9pm-6am due to end on the on 25th of april is extended until further notice... |
Ministry of Information |
2020-05-03 |
Partial lockdown |
Sierra Leone announces 3 day nationwide lockdown from Sunday may 3rd to tuesday 5th may... |
The Guardian World |
2020-05-02 |
Economic measures |
provided direct cash transfers to vulnerable citizens ahead of the latest three days lockdown which ... |
The Ministry of Information |
2020-03-22 |
International flights suspension |
Freetown International Airport will close on March 22 until further notice to all commercial flights... |
US Embassy |
2020-03-16 |
Limit public gatherings |
bans all public gatherings of more than 100 people.... |
WHO Africa |
2020-03-16 |
General recommendations |
Discouraged individuals from countries with 200 or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 from traveling t... |
WHO Africa |
2020-03-16 |
International flights suspension |
prohibits all overseas travel for all government officials.... |
WHO Africa |