South Africa - Population: 58,558,270
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
1970-01-01 Health screenings in airports and border crossings Infrafed thermometers and health personnel at all ports of entry.... UK Government Travel Advice
1970-01-01 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine for those who test positive... UK Government Travel Advice
1970-01-01 Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine for those who test positive... UK Government Travel Advice
2020-03-10 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Emergency Operations Center of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases has been activated... US Embassy
2020-03-15 Limit public gatherings Gatherings of more than 100 people prohibited & mass celebrations of upcoming national days, such as... Newzroom Afrika: press conference
2020-03-15 State of emergency declared Declaration of State of National Disaster, 15 March ... ONHCR Document
2020-03-16 Border closure  Of the 53 land ports (also known as border stations) throughout South Africa, 35 will be shut down.... SA Government
2020-03-18 Visa restrictions Authorities imposing travel ban on individuals entering South Africa from various countries affected... South African Government
2020-03-18 Schools closure  All public schools closed as of 18 March until 13 April... SA Government
2020-03-19 Testing policy All travelers who have entered South Africa from high-risk countries (China, France, Germany, Iran I... Dep of Foreign Affairs Philippines
2020-03-20 Limit public gatherings The assembly of more than 50 persons at premises where liquor is sold and consumed is prohibited. An... SA Government
2020-03-20 Public services closure  All on- and off-consumption premises selling liquor must be closed between 6pm and 9am the next morn... SA Government
2020-03-20 Closure of businesses and public services All on- and off-consumption premises selling liquor must be closed between 6pm and 9am the next morn... SA Government
2020-03-24 Health screenings in airports and border crossings Tourist leaving the country will be subjected to testing at three major airports in SA.... SA Travel Trade
2020-03-27 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Temporary shelters that meet the necessary hygiene standards will be identified for homeless people.... President press conference
2020-03-27 Full lockdown All of South Africa will go into total lockdown from the midight 26th March until 16th of April . Th... President press conference
2020-03-27 Economic measures Regulations put in place to prohibit unjust price rises.... President press conference
2020-03-27 Visa restrictions Those travelling from high risk countries from henceforth will be turned back. ... President press conference
2020-03-27 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Individuals who travelled from high risk countries since 9th of march will be expected to self quara... President press conference
2020-03-27 Isolation and quarantine policies Individuals who travelled from high risk countries since 9th of march will be expected to self quara... President press conference
2020-03-27 Public services closure  All non-essential businesses will be closed. ... President press conference
2020-03-27 Military deployment The military will be deployed to ensure that people abide by the regulations. ... President press conference
2020-03-27 Closure of businesses and public services All non-essential businesses will be closed. ... President press conference
2020-03-27 International flights suspension International flights to Lanseria Airport will be temporarily suspended.... CBNC Africa
2020-03-30 Mass population testing South Africa has launched a mass screening programme with 10,000 fied workers to visit homes of citi... BBC
2020-04-08 General recommendations Zambians encouraged to wear a mask when in public.... Ministry of Health
2020-04-08 Limit public gatherings Uganda has banned the movement of all motorcycle taxis, called boda bodas ... BBC
2020-04-09 Full lockdown South Africa has decided to extend its inital 21 day lockdown (which was due to end on the 16th Apri... South African Government
2020-04-10 General recommendations Widespread use of masks is recommended. People are recommended to use cloth masks & that medical mas... Ministry of Health
2020-04-16 General recommendations It is recommended that people use a cloth mask when going out in public. ... Government of SA
2020-04-16 Strengthening the public health system people spreading fake news are liable and may be prosecuted. A phone number and email have been set ... Government of SA
2020-04-18 Limit public gatherings The Department of Basic Eductaion pospones May/June state exams until november... Government of SA
2020-04-22 Military deployment More than 70,000 extra troops will be deployed in South Africa to help enforce a lockdown intended t... BBC
2020-04-23 Strengthening the public health system Government offers funding for companies who produce essential goods or provide essential services to... Government of South Africa
2020-04-23 Economic measures A special COVID19 Social Relief of Distress grant of R350 a month for the next 6 months will be paid... SA Government
2020-04-23 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Hotline established for areas is in need of water to contact.... Government of South Africa
2020-04-25 Economic measures R300 per child will be added to Child Support Grants in May making it R740 per child. From June unti... South African Government
2020-05-01 Full lockdown The full lockdown will be gradually eased from May 1st. From then on the country will begin a gradua... Government of South Africa
2020-05-01 Public services closure  Some businesses will be allowed to resume operations under specific conditions. Businesses will be e... Government of South Africa
2020-05-01 Limit public gatherings Walking, jogging and cycling will be permitted only between 9am and 6am.... South African Government
2020-05-01 Closure of businesses and public services Some businesses will be allowed to resume operations under specific conditions. Businesses will be e... Government of South Africa
2020-05-01 Curfews As South Africa moves into level 4 restrictions, the lockdown will be lifted, but there will be rest... South African Government
2020-05-01 Economic measures The COVID-19 Social Relief of distressed individuals will run from May - October 2020 (R350 per mont... Government of SA
2020-05-01 Other public health measures enforced The ban on the sale of cigarrettes to be lifted.... BBC
2020-05-01 Domestic travel restrictions Travel between Provinces, metropolitan areas and districts is prohibited with concession made for wo... South African Government
2020-05-01 Border closure  Borders will remain closed EXCEPT for repatriation of South Africans abroad.... Government of South Africa
2020-05-01 Isolation and quarantine policies Those who are elderly, and those with underlying conditions, must remain at home and take additional... Government of South Africa
2020-05-01 General recommendations All South Africans are informed to wear a face mask whenever you leave home once lockdown restrictio... Government of South Africa
2020-05-04 Closure of businesses and public services From Monday the 4th of May, DHA will render two additional services: registering of the births and c... South African Government
2020-05-06 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Government as created a website and whatsapp hotine for reporting fake news .... Government of SA
2020-05-06 Other public health measures enforced People attending their workplace in SA must wear cloth face mask, have thir tempertaure screened bef... Government of SA
2020-05-08 Other public health measures enforced Government has issued a list of requirements for workplaces to implement before allowing workers bac... South African Government
2020-05-08 Limit public gatherings Government has issued a staggered return to work plan. Individuals must apply for permits to return ... South African Government
2020-05-08 Changes in prison-related policies South Africa releases 19,000 prisoners to reduce overcrowding.... APA News
2020-05-11 Closure of businesses and public services Limited services will be provided from SA Social Security Agency local offices, which will progressi... Government of SA
2020-05-11 Limit public gatherings The movement of children between co-holders of parental responsibilities or caregiver as guided in S... Government of SA
2020-05-11 Psychological assistance and medical social work an additional 1 809 social workers are hired by the government to reinforce the current workforce an... Government of SA
2020-05-11 Economic measures Regulations have been published which gives effect to the extension of temporary disability grants f... Government of SA
2020-05-14 Economic measures Effective today & subject to all applicable laws, all goods will be available for transaction throug... SA Government
2020-05-26 Limit public gatherings Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and other recognised places of worship may resume services, b... South Africa Government
2020-05-30 Economic measures The Tourism Relief Fund provides a once-off capped grant of R50 000 per entity to subsidise expenses... South African Government
2020-06-01 Limit public gatherings People will also be able to exercise at any time during the day, provided this is not done in groups... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 General recommendations All staff who are older than 60 years of age and those who suffer from underlying conditions such as... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 Border closure  Our national borders will remain closed except for the transport of goods and repatriation of nation... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 Closure of businesses and public services The Metro based Driving license centres will be opened first from 1 June 2020.... South African Government
2020-06-01 Curfews The curfew on the movement of people will be lifted.... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 Domestic travel restrictions Movements of persons between provinces, metropolitan areas and districts and hotspots is prohibited ... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 Partial lockdown South Africa will move from alert level 4 to alert level 3 on June 1st. There will be a differentiat... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Special measures will apply in hotspot areas which are defined by having more than 5 cases per 100,0... South Africa Government
2020-06-01 Schools closure  The proposed date for the first phase of schooling is 01 June 2020. Learners in Grades 12 and 7 may ... South African Government
2020-06-01 Other public health measures enforced Liquor will be sold only on Monday to Thursday between 09h00 and 17h00. No sale of liquor on Friday,... South Africa Government
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