Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Population: 110,589
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-03-20 Schools closure  ... MoH
2020-03-06 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Cabinet granted approval for persons with a travel history which includes Iran to be quarantined for... Moh
2020-03-06 Isolation and quarantine policies Cabinet granted approval for persons with a travel history which includes Iran to be quarantined for... Moh
2020-04-26 General recommendations Encourages the use of masks (cloth/homemade) by the general population while they are out in public ... MoH
2020-03-25 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies HEOC/COVID-19 Task Force Advisory: Quarantine Requirement For Travellers From Canada... MoH
2020-03-25 Isolation and quarantine policies HEOC/COVID-19 Task Force Advisory: Quarantine Requirement For Travellers From Canada... MoH
2020-03-20 Isolation and quarantine policies Individuals entering St. Vincent and Grenadines from the above listed countries will be subject to a... MoH
2020-03-20 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Individuals entering St. Vincent and Grenadines from the above listed countries will be subject to a... MoH
2020-03-19 Awareness campaigns Members of the Taxi Drivers Association and the Omnibuses Association are invited to attend a discus... MoH
2020-02-26 Awareness campaigns Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment cordially invites all Medical Doctors and Pharmacis... MoH
2020-04-01 Strengthening the public health system Personal Protective Equipment from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)... MoH
2020-04-26 Awareness campaigns Persons using any type of mask (medical mask, respirator or cloth) must adhere to frequent and prope... MoH
2020-03-02 Awareness campaigns Practices To Help Prevent The Spread of COVID-19... MoH
2020-04-07 Strengthening the public health system Provision Of Transportation Of Health Workers... MoH
2020-03-16 Closure of businesses and public services Temporary Closure of Accident And Emergency Department MCMH (reoppened 18/03)... MoH
2020-03-16 Public services closure  Temporary Closure of Accident And Emergency Department MCMH (reoppened 18/03)... MoH
2020-03-23 Awareness campaigns The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment (MOHWE), cautions the general public that the u... MoH
2020-03-06 Awareness campaigns The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment held a press conference on Friday, March 6th, 2... MoH
2020-02-21 Isolation and quarantine policies addition to persons arriving from mainland China, persons arriving from Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore... MoH
2020-02-21 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies addition to persons arriving from mainland China, persons arriving from Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore... MoH
2020-03-18 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies a group of students, teachers and chaperones who recently returned from Guadeloupe are on mandatory... MoH
2020-03-18 Isolation and quarantine policies a group of students, teachers and chaperones who recently returned from Guadeloupe are on mandatory... MoH
2020-04-10 General recommendations consider not gathering for easter; if do gather, must keep 3 feet distance... MoH
2020-02-28 Isolation and quarantine policies extension of the quarantine requirement to include all regions of Italy in view of the COVID-19 outb... MoH
2020-02-28 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies extension of the quarantine requirement to include all regions of Italy in view of the COVID-19 outb... MoH
2020-04-27 Strengthening the public health system isolation facility opened... Caricom Today
2020-04-07 Other public health measures enforced suspension of outpatient hospital care ... MoH
1970-01-01 Isolation and quarantine policies traveled from or through China, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, or South Korea in the pas... US Embassy
1970-01-01 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies traveled from or through China, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, or South Korea in the pas... US Embassy
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