New Zealand - Population: 4,783,063
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-04-28 Amendments to funeral and burial regulations At Alert Level 3, funerals can be officiated by your Imam. Funeral directors will work closely with ... NZ Govt
2020-04-01 Awareness campaigns New Zealanders in their 20s are the age group with the biggest numbers of Covid-19 and are "the vect... RNZ
2020-04-28 Awareness campaigns The Govt has launched a new helpline to provide all NZ businesses with advice and to connect them wi... NZ Govt
2020-06-09 Awareness campaigns Unite against COVID-19 becomes Unite for the recovery... NZ Govt
2020-04-08 Awareness campaigns is free to access from most mobile devices, even if you have no data... NZ Govt
2020-04-10 Awareness campaigns Easter during the Alert Level 4 period. Usually, supermarkets are not allowed to open on Friday (10t... NZ Govt
2020-03-24 Awareness campaigns Covid-19 info in NZ Sign language (NZ 3rd official language)... NZ Govt
2020-04-22 Awareness campaigns Businesses allowed to do minimum necessary to prepare for Alert Level 3. You can ask the smallest nu... NZ Govt
2020-04-24 Awareness campaigns Ramadan during Alert Levels 3 and 4: Mosques and other faith-based venues must remain closed during ... NZ Govt
2020-04-25 Awareness campaigns New Zealanders asked to stay home for Anzac Day. Join the NZ Defence Force and RSA's #StandAtDawn ca... NZ Govt
2020-03-14 Border closure  Cruise ships cannot enter to New Zealand’s territorial waters effective from 23:59 Saturday 14 Mar... Immigration NZ
2020-06-09 Border closure  Controls at the borders remain for those entering New Zealand, including health screening and testin... NZ Govt
2020-05-25 Border closure  Trans-Tasman bubble: Onus on Australia to sort internal travel first - PM... RNZ
2020-03-19 Border closure  New Zealand's borders are being closed to almost all travellers from 23:59 on Thursday 19 March 2020... NZ Government
2020-03-25 Closure of businesses and public services Non-essential businesses must now close. All bars, restaurants, cafes, gyms, cinemas, pools, museums... NZ Govt
2020-05-16 Closure of businesses and public services Green light for sex industry to restart... RNZ
2020-05-14 Closure of businesses and public services museums and libraries; cinemas; markets reopen... NZ Govt
2020-06-09 Closure of businesses and public services Everyone can return without restriction to work, school, sports and domestic travel, and you can get... NZ Govt
2020-04-28 Closure of businesses and public services L3: It's estimated about 75 percent of the economy will be up and running from today, but a number o... NZ Govt
2020-06-09 Domestic travel restrictions Everyone can return without restriction to work, school, sports and domestic travel, and you can get... NZ Govt
2020-04-02 Domestic travel restrictions PM Ardern announced details of a plan to enable a safe, orderly exit of the tens of thousands of peo... RNZ
2020-03-25 Domestic travel restrictions Civil Defence Emergency Management director general Sarah Stuart-Black said a state of national emer... NZ Govt
2020-05-14 Domestic travel restrictions At Alert Level 2 inter-regional travel is permitted... NZ Govt
2020-03-23 Domestic travel restrictions Public transport will only be available for those working in essential services, for medical reasons... NZ Govt
2020-04-28 Domestic travel restrictions L3: Regional travel for very specific reasons.... NZ Govt
2020-03-22 Domestic travel restrictions The Department of Conservation is closing its visitor centres to the public from today, and from tom... RNZ
2020-03-21 Domestic travel restrictions People must also limit their movement within New Zealand and cut any non-essential domestic travel... RNZ
2020-04-23 Economic measures The Government has announced a new $50 million package to support the media industry through the COV... Beehive
2020-04-01 Economic measures The prime minister also said industry leaders had been asked to find infrastructure projects that we... RNZ
2020-06-08 Economic measures New payment for New Zealanders who lose their job due to COVID-19. The Government has announced a 12... NZ Beehive
2020-05-12 Economic measures The Government will provide interest free loans for a year to small businesses impacted by the COVID... NZ Govt
2020-04-02 Economic measures Christchurch City Council allows rate payment deferrals... RNZ
2020-04-07 Economic measures Cabinet has agreed that $17 million will be allocated to support a COVID-19 Pacific Response Package... NZ Beehive
2020-06-03 Economic measures Govt unveils $130m boost to research and innovation. The money is part of a $400m package, most of w... RNZ
2020-04-08 Economic measures Planning for the future of tourism... NZ Beehive
2020-04-30 Economic measures Tax changes to be introduced to help small businesses... NZ Govt
2020-05-06 Economic measures APEC economies agree to keep markets open and trade flowing... NZ Beehive
2020-04-14 Economic measures For the first time, UNICEF New Zealand is fundraising to support Kiwi children and vulnerable famili... RNZ
2020-05-14 Economic measures The government has unveiled a $50 billion recovery package as part of today's Budget... RNZ
2020-05-02 Economic measures The Government has announced more support for tertiary learners to access digital devices and intern... NZ Govt
2020-05-18 Economic measures Government reveals $278.2m for early childhood education funding... RNZ
2020-04-16 Economic measures New support for small to medium-sized businesses... Beehive
2020-04-20 Economic measures Businesses would this week be allowed to access premises to get ready for level three, but people mu... RNZ
2020-05-01 Economic measures Leave support for workers extended. The Government has extended the COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme ah... NZ Govt
2020-05-05 Economic measures Australia and New Zealand are committed to introducing a trans-Tasman COVID-safe travel zone as soon... Aust Govt
2020-06-04 Economic measures If tenants and landlords can't reach agreement on a fair rent reduction they will have to enter comp... RNZ
2020-03-25 Economic measures Urgent tax measures for economic recovery. Urgent legislation has been passed to support the package... NZ Govt
2020-03-31 Economic measures Tax regulations. Under laws quickly passed before the country entered alert level four, Inland Reven... RNZ
2020-03-27 Economic measures The Government has made changes to the wage subsidy scheme to help keep businesses and workers conne... NZ Govt
2020-03-17 Economic measures NZ$12.1 billion package announced to support New Zealanders from the impact of COVID-19 comprising a... NZ Treasury
2020-03-20 Economic measures NZ Govt and AirNZ have agreed a debt funding agreement through commercial 24-month loan facilities o... NZ Government
2020-03-26 Economic measures $27 million for NGOs and community groups to continue providing essential services. “At COVID-19 A... Beehive - NZ Govt
2020-03-21 Economic measures Business continuity plans should be activated... NZ Government
2020-03-22 Economic measures NZ$16 million reallocated to Māori communities, businesses as a financial boost... RNZ
2020-03-23 Economic measures Support package for Covid-19 rises to NZ$9.3b... NZ Govt
2020-03-24 Economic measures Mortgage holiday and business finance support schemes to cushion COVID impacts... Beehive - NZ Govt
2020-03-12 Emergency administrative structures activated or established National Crisis Management Centre had been activated on 12 March. "We have multiple streams of work ... RNZ
2020-05-14 Emergency administrative structures activated or established The Government has announced New Zealand will move from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 at 11.59pm on... NZ Govt
2020-03-21 Emergency administrative structures activated or established NZ Govt created a 4 level alert system for Covid-19. Currently on Level two "the risk of community t... RNZ
2020-03-31 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Top health officials fronted this morning as the Epidemic Response Committee held its first public m... RNZ
2020-04-16 Emergency administrative structures activated or established 4 Criterion to drop to level 3 outlined: 1. We know that community transmission is under control, an... NZ Govt
2020-03-23 Emergency administrative structures activated or established New Zealand's Covid-19 alert level has risen to three and the country will go into a full lockdown a... RNZ
2020-06-09 Emergency administrative structures activated or established New Zealand is at Alert Level 1. Jacinda "did a little dance"... NZ Govt
2020-04-20 Full lockdown extension of level 4 to 11.59pm on Monday 27 April. ... NZ Govt
2020-03-19 General recommendations New Zealanders are advised not to travel overseas at this time. The New Zealand Government has raise... NZ Government
2020-06-09 General recommendations As we unite to recover from the effects of COVID-19, it's still important that we keep the basic hyg... NZ Govt
2020-03-25 General recommendations Advice for families of essential workers or with shared custody agreements... NZ Govt
2020-04-28 General recommendations L3: Alert Level 3 advice for at risk people... NZ Govt
2020-03-21 General recommendations People over 70 years of age, people who have compromised immunity, are at risk or people who have un... NZ Government
2020-04-10 Health screenings in airports and border crossings On arrival health screening from April 10... NZ Govt
2020-06-09 Health screenings in airports and border crossings Controls at the borders remain for those entering New Zealand, including health screening and testin... NZ Govt
2020-04-07 International flights suspension NZ will enter into reciprocal transit arrangements with numerous countries in order to make it easie... Intl SOS
2020-03-14 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies All new arrivals from other countries must self-quarantine for 14 days (except for those arriving fr... Ministry of Health
2020-03-25 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies everyone arriving into NZ would be screened, and those without self-isolation plans taken to approve... Stuff
2020-04-10 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Managed isolation of new arrivals to New Zealand. All travellers entering NZ from 10 April 2020 are ... NZ Govt
2020-03-20 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies All returning residents and citizens must isolate themselves for 14 days upon arrival inc NZ citizen... Immigration NZ
2020-04-10 Isolation and quarantine policies Managed isolation of new arrivals to New Zealand. All travellers entering NZ from 10 April 2020 are ... NZ Govt
2020-06-09 Isolation and quarantine policies Controls at the borders remain for those entering New Zealand, including health screening and testin... NZ Govt
2020-03-14 Isolation and quarantine policies All new arrivals from other countries must self-quarantine for 14 days (except for those arriving fr... Ministry of Health
2020-03-25 Isolation and quarantine policies everyone arriving into NZ would be screened, and those without self-isolation plans taken to approve... Stuff
2020-03-20 Isolation and quarantine policies All returning residents and citizens must isolate themselves for 14 days upon arrival inc NZ citizen... Immigration NZ
2020-05-14 Isolation and quarantine policies At Alert Level 2, people who are probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19, or who are a close contact... NZ Govt
2020-03-21 Limit public gatherings People to start working from home if possible. If people cannot work remotely then employers should ... RNZ
2020-06-09 Limit public gatherings Everyone can return without restriction to work, school, sports and domestic travel, and you can get... NZ Govt
2020-04-28 Limit public gatherings L3: we must continue to stay in our household bubbles whenever we are not at work, school, buying th... NZ Govt
2020-03-19 Limit public gatherings Gatherings or events where 500 or more people are together in one place outdoors, or 100 people indo... NZ Ministry of Health
2020-05-16 Limit public gatherings Skifield operators will not be restricted in how many skiers they have on the slopes under Covid-19 ... RNZ
2020-03-23 Limit public gatherings From March 23, non-urgent routine General Practitioner (GP) appointments will increasingly be done b... Stuff
2020-05-13 Limit public gatherings Up to 50 people will be allowed to attend funerals and tangihanga at Alert Level 2.... NZ Govt
2020-05-14 Limit public gatherings Initially, gatherings limited to 10 people inc weddings, funerals, tangihanga, religious ceremonies ... NZ Govt
2020-05-29 Limit public gatherings From 12 noon Friday 29 May, gatherings can be held with up to 100 people.... NZ Govt
2020-06-02 Military deployment Defence Force deployed 700 personnel in Covid-19 lockdown response... RNZ
2020-04-28 Other public health measures enforced L3: Public transport will have fewer people on board to maintain distancing, and buses and trains wi... NZ Govt
2020-05-14 Other public health measures enforced At Alert Level 2 businesses can have customers on their premises if they can meet public health requ... NZ Govt
2020-03-23 Partial lockdown At 11.59pm on Wednesday 25th March, New Zealand will go into full lockdown for 4 weeks as we move in... NZ Govt
2020-04-28 Partial lockdown New Zealand will be at Alert Level 3 from Tuesday 28 April. We will hold at Alert Level 3 for two we... NZ Govt
2020-04-15 Psychological assistance and medical social work More online tools to support mental wellbeing... NZ Govt
2020-04-07 Psychological assistance and medical social work Mental health campaign launched... NZ Beehive
2020-03-25 Public services closure  Non-essential businesses must now close. All bars, restaurants, cafes, gyms, cinemas, pools, museums... NZ Govt
2020-04-15 Schools closure  Distance-learning education package for students. Every learner in New Zealand will have at least on... MoE
2020-03-25 Schools closure  All schools and early childhood education (ECE) centres will be closed. The upcoming school term bre... NZ Govt
2020-05-18 Schools closure  Tertiary education facilities, schools and early learning centres will be open.... NZ Govt
2020-06-09 Schools closure  Everyone can return without restriction to work, school, sports and domestic travel, and you can get... NZ Govt
2020-04-20 Schools closure  "Schools and early learning centres can be accessed this week for cleaning, maintenance and any othe... RNZ
2020-04-28 Schools closure  L3: Tertiary education facilities may open for limited activities involving small groups of up to 10... NZ Govt
2020-03-25 State of emergency declared Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) director Sarah Stuart-Black said under alert level four, p... RNZ
2020-03-31 State of emergency declared State of National Emergency has been extended for another seven days. The seven-day extension means ... RNZ
2020-05-18 Strengthening the public health system PM on NZ joining international investigation into Covid-19 outbreak: 'We're interested in it for lea... RNZ
2020-03-26 Strengthening the public health system To ensure everybody continues to have access to the prescription medication they need, PHARMAC are t... NZ Govt
2020-03-31 Strengthening the public health system Pharmac eases restrictions on cancer drugs during Covid-19 pandemic... RNZ
2020-04-02 Strengthening the public health system Hospitals around NZ race to increase ICU capacity before it is needed... RNZ
2020-04-07 Strengthening the public health system Call to join COVID-19 health workforce. Health and care support workers have opportunities to work a... MoH
2020-03-21 Strengthening the public health system New Zealand rolls out drive-through hubs for testing Covid-19... NZ Herald
2020-05-26 Strengthening the public health system NZ Covid-19 vaccine strategy: Government provides $37m for development, distribution... RNZ
2020-03-18 Strengthening the public health system NZ's 2020 flu vaccine campaign will be the biggest ever with 400,000 more vaccines available, compar... NZ Ministry of Health
2020-05-20 Strengthening the public health system Government to release contact tracing 'digital diary app' on Wednesday... RNZ
2020-05-26 Surveillance and monitoring Contact tracing for groups of 100 possible in two days - Dr Ashley Bloomfield... RNZ
2020-05-20 Surveillance and monitoring The Ministry of Health has released the NZ COVID Tracer app to support contact tracing in New Zealan... NZ Govt
2020-04-24 Surveillance and monitoring Wage subsidy audits ensure businesses using scheme correctly. The Government is prioritising the aud... Beehive
2020-06-09 Surveillance and monitoring We should all continue to keep track of where we’ve been and who we’ve seen to assist with rapid... NZ Govt
2020-04-15 Testing policy we expanded testing to include random testing in Queenstown, the Waikato, Canterbury and Auckland. ... RNZ
2020-04-01 Testing policy New testing guideline revealed today means anyone with respiratory symptoms consistent with the dise... MoH
2020-04-01 Visa restrictions Temporary visas expiring between 1 April and 9 July will be automatically extended to late-September... Intl SOS
2020-04-28 Visa restrictions L3: The government has eased visa rules to allow businesses to make greater use of immigrant labour ... RNZ
2020-05-12 Visa restrictions Pragmatic changes to Immigration Act to respond to COVID-19 passed... NZ Govt
2020-03-13 Visa restrictions Non-residents of New Zealand who have been to China or Iran in the last 14 days will not be allowed ... IATA
2020-05-13 Visa restrictions The Government has decided to postpone: selections for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in the Skilled ... NZ Govt
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