Luxembourg - Population: 615,729
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-03-27 Economic measures Simplification of short-term work application for employers to sustain employee base... Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM)
2020-03-24 Economic measures Communes freeze commercial rents during crisis... Delano
2020-03-27 Strengthening the public health system Contribution of € 800,000 to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI )... Department of State
2020-03-30 Economic measures Abolition of the 2020 subscription on main online shop in Luxembourg to support SMEs... Directorate General of the Middle Classes
2020-04-01 General recommendations Call to respect "social distancing" in shops open to the public, e.g. minimum 2m distance, one shopp... Directorate General of the Middle Classes
2020-04-20 Public services closure  Recycling parks and the green waste collection points will be operational again; The same is true f... Government
2020-03-20 Public services closure  Stopping of long-distance train services to Paris with the TGV... Government
2020-03-16 Partial lockdown traffic is limited to essential trips only ... Government
2020-04-15 Other public health measures enforced Distribution of face masks to the general population through municipalities network... Government
2020-04-08 Other public health measures enforced Disease transmission study in 1500 persons ... Government
2020-03-19 Other public health measures enforced For vulnerable groups and online shop for essentials with home delivery was set up... Government
2020-04-20 Other public health measures enforced Masks to be used by all travelers on public transport; also only allowed to enter from rear doors... Government
2020-04-20 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Public transport staff needs to wear mask... Government
2020-05-11 Other public health measures enforced Voucher based mask distribution to all persons above 15 years... Government
2020-05-18 Other public health measures enforced Trainings of health safety measures for children in schools implemented and other health measures in... Government
2020-04-21 Other public health measures enforced Distribution of masks to embassies and institutions headquartered in Luxembourg, with support of the... Government
2020-04-17 Military deployment Military set up mask distribution centre for companies... Government
2020-05-08 Military deployment The army has set up twelve distribution sites for disposable surgical masks for cross-border workers... Government
2020-05-29 Limit public gatherings Resumption of indoor sport activities without contact and with safety precautions... Government
2020-06-10 Limit public gatherings Up to 10 people can gather together... Government
2020-05-05 Limit public gatherings Marriages may be celebrated in a municipal building other than the town hall. Civil partnership decl... Government
2020-06-10 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Remove the obligation to wear a mask for minors under the age of thirteen outdoors and allow the ope... Government
2020-04-15 Amendments to funeral and burial regulations Gathering of up to 20 persons during funerals (as well as during civil weddings) allowed again; if r... Government
2020-03-16 Schools closure  closure of all education facilities for 2 weeks starting 16 March... Government
2020-04-18 Strengthening the public health system internet platform established to improvement coordination between supply and dem... Government
2020-05-29 Testing policy Everybody arriving at airports will receive voucher to get tested within some days; or also onsight ... Government
1970-01-01 Testing policy Students and teachers are also systematically tested... Government
2020-04-28 Strengthening the public health system Call for research by national research fond Luxembourg (FNR)... Government
2020-05-23 Strengthening the public health system The medical houses on call will resume their activities ... Government
2020-05-29 Strengthening the public health system Closure of the advanced care centres in Ettelbruck and Grevenmacher ... Government
2020-03-23 Strengthening the public health system Through online platform volunteers are being recruited and all health professionals are mandated to ... Government
2020-06-08 Strengthening the public health system Closure of the advanced care centres at LuxExpo and the Rockhal... Government
2020-06-10 Strengthening the public health system Emergency hotline 8002-8080 suspended... Government
2020-05-04 Limit public gatherings Luxembourg's elite athletes resume training at the National Sports and Cultural Center "d'Coque"... Government
2020-04-08 Strengthening the public health system Disease transmission study in 1500 persons ... Government
2020-04-04 Strengthening the public health system Government supports companies producing PPEs with 100% of investment costs... Government
2020-04-20 Schools closure  Aid and assistance activities in education ... Government
2020-04-02 Schools closure  Extension of measure: school closure extended until 3rd March... Government
2020-05-11 Schools closure  All secondary school classes resumed again; under a number of hygiene restrictions... Government
2020-05-04 Schools closure  Those in the final school year to retain schooling; under a number of hygiene restrictions... Government
2020-05-25 Schools closure  Primary schools and Kindergartens resumed; under a number of hygiene restrictions... Government
2020-05-11 Limit public gatherings The organization of private events at home with a maximum of six guests in addition to people alread... Government
2020-04-15 Limit public gatherings Extension until 31st July: gatherings continue to be banend ... Government
2020-04-22 Economic measures Companies employing between 10 and 20 people will thus be able to benefit from a single indemnity, w... Government
2020-05-11 Closure of businesses and public services Full opening of shops (with the exceptions listed exhaustively)... Government
2020-06-13 Limit public gatherings Reopening of playgrounds without restrictions (e.g. of wearing face masks)... Government
2020-04-29 Economic measures 2020 Stability and Growth Program with the macroeconomic outlooks of the country published... Government
2020-04-08 Economic measures 2.500 Euro for self-employed persons... Government
2020-04-28 Closure of businesses and public services Construction and renovation efforts of public transport network taken up again... Government
2020-05-06 Economic measures New non-reimbursable allowance for the self-employed, at 3000-5000 EUR... Government
2020-06-10 Closure of businesses and public services Organization of fairs and open air fairs allowed again... Government
2020-04-02 Economic measures Foreigners living abroad in Germany but working in Luxembourg are not going to be disadvantaged, if ... Government
2020-05-25 Closure of businesses and public services Various public services are increasing office hours... Government
2020-03-20 Closure of businesses and public services Stopping of long-distance train services to Paris with the TGV... Government
2020-03-16 Closure of businesses and public services closure of public facilities such as bars, restaurants, public baths... Government
2020-05-20 Economic measures Temporary freeze on any increase in rent for housing... Government
2020-05-22 Economic measures The government has put in place the "Neistart Lëtzebuerg" package, many of which aim to provide add... Government
2020-06-04 Economic measures Economic measures for the sports associations ... Government
2020-04-04 Economic measures Establishment of an aid scheme for independent professional artists and intermittent performers... Government
2020-06-10 Economic measures Update of short-term work payment modalities... Government
2020-06-12 Economic measures Extension until 31st August: Additional aid for independent and intermittent professional performing... Government
2020-04-03 Economic measures Support for employees to take holiday if they need to care for person at home (e.g. elderly, person ... Government
2020-03-11 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Crisis unit established... Government
2020-04-15 General recommendations Extension: Companies generally encouraged to continue with telework... Government
2020-05-08 Closure of businesses and public services Extension until further notice: Swimming pools (indoors and outdoors) remain closed... Government
2020-04-20 Closure of businesses and public services Recycling parks and the green waste collection points will be operational again; The same is true f... Government
2020-03-16 Limit public gatherings closure of public facilities such as bars, restaurants, public baths... Government
2020-05-04 Closure of businesses and public services Public service capacity further increased... Government
2020-04-17 Border closure  Two specific border crossings to Germany have re-opened... Government
2020-05-18 Awareness campaigns Places for withdrawal of face masks... Government
2020-06-15 Limit public gatherings Limitations on physical distance and wearing of face masks lifted for school yards... Government
2020-06-16 Economic measures 5mio EUR agricultural recovery plan launched... Government
1970-01-01 Strengthening the public health system The government provided additional funds for the healthcare system, including to create advanced hea... International Monetary Fund
2020-06-10 Other public health measures enforced In restaurants, the maximum number of people at one table was increased from four to 10... Luxembourg Times
2020-03-17 Economic measures Deferral of tax payments, reimbursement of VAT credit balances, liquidity measures... Ministry of Health
2020-03-13 Limit public gatherings Events in confined spaces with more than 100 people are prohibited and events in non-confined spaces... Ministry of Health
2020-03-18 Strengthening the public health system Establishment of separate COVID centers to avoid transmission in health settings... Ministry of Health
1970-01-01 Awareness campaigns Health information hotline implemented... Ministry of Health
2020-03-13 Isolation and quarantine policies Visits to elderly homes limited... Ministry of Health
2020-03-13 General recommendations Vulnerable people adviced to avoid crowds and adapt their behaviour to be less at-risk (e.g. people ... Ministry of Health
2020-02-29 Awareness campaigns General awareness and general hygiene recommendations... Ministry of Health
2020-03-13 Strengthening the public health system Visits to hospitals forbidden (with exceptions)... Ministry of Health
2020-03-17 Partial lockdown Leaving is allowed for essentials, to get fresh air and work (if home office is not applicable)... Ministry of Health
2020-03-30 Strengthening the public health system Alternatives established to traditional doctor visit for non-Covid-19 patients, particularly the eld... Ministry of Health
2020-03-26 Strengthening the public health system Four additional "advanced care centres" were opened with a triage system for people with and without... Ministry of Health
2020-03-18 State of emergency declared ... Ministry of Health
2020-04-01 Psychological assistance and medical social work Psychological help-hotline implemented... Ministry of Health
2020-03-13 Public services closure  Visits to hospitals, elderly homes and alike banned (with exceptions)... Ministry of Health
2020-03-26 Limit public gatherings The deadlines within the legal system, which would require presence of a person, are being suspended... Ministry of Justice
2020-03-17 Public services closure  The technical inspection of cars continues, though are limited to the essential services and with th... Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
2020-03-22 Closure of businesses and public services RGTR traffic will be suspended every Sunday until further notice; the regular lines run according to... Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
2020-03-17 Closure of businesses and public services The technical inspection of cars continues, though are limited to the essential services and with th... Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
2020-03-22 Public services closure  RGTR traffic will be suspended every Sunday until further notice; the regular lines run according to... Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
2020-03-27 Limit public gatherings Extension of time limits for submitting reports to the Environmental Authorities... Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development and the Environment Administration
2020-03-25 Amendments to funeral and burial regulations Only closest family members are allowed to attend funerals... RTL
2020-04-22 Testing policy In the next weeks, elderly homes will be increasingly part of testing efforts, including residents a... Tageblatt
2020-04-10 Surveillance and monitoring Increased police presence during Easter weekend to ensure compliance... Tagesblatt
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