Lithuania - Population: 2,759,627
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-04-08 Domestic travel restrictions People’s travel to cities and towns outside the municipality of their residence will be restricted... Prime Minister Office
2020-05-12 Economic measures Enterprises with up to nine employees will be able to receive subsidies; with EUR 100 million alloca... Ministry of the Economy and Innovation
2020-05-15 Economic measures tourism promotion measures which are part of the Government’s plan aimed to promote the economy an... Ministry of the Economy and Innocation of the Republic of Lithuania
2020-05-11 Economic measures ‘Subsidies for Micro-Enterprises’... Ministry of the Economy and Innocation of the Republic of Lithuania
2020-03-16 Closure of businesses and public services Bars, restaurants, hotels and alike to be closed... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Domestic travel restrictions In country travels limitations and 1 meter distance between people.... Ministry of Health
2020-04-02 Limit product imports/exports Export to third countries of personal protective equipment, such as goggles, shields and masks, as w... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Schools closure  For two weeks initially... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Changes in prison-related policies Visits, except for lawyers prohibited... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Border closure  Foreign nationals banned from entering the country; execeptions of freight, diplomatic persons, and ... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Public services closure  Bars, restaurants, hotels and alike to be closed... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Strengthening the public health system Capacity freed and non-essential health services to be postponed... Ministry of Health
2020-03-25 Psychological assistance and medical social work Hotline with professional mental health support established for both health professionals and the ge... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 General recommendations The citizens of the Republic of Lithuania are adviced against leaving the country... Ministry of Health
2020-04-02 Health screenings in airports and border crossings At international border crossing points, everyone will be screened by the National Public Health Cen... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies People returning from abroad should home-quaratine for 14 days, exception of drivers and alike... Ministry of Health
2020-04-02 Limit public gatherings Small creational boats continue to be allowed, though at a max of 2 persons except for immediate fam... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Isolation and quarantine policies People returning from abroad should home-quaratine for 14 days, exception of drivers and alike... Ministry of Health
2020-03-16 Limit public gatherings In-door and out-door events prohibited... Ministry of Health
2020-05-18 Border closure  the entry of persons and/or their private passenger cars into the territory of the Republic of Lithu... Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania
2020-05-14 Visa restrictions prevent the entry of foreigners into the Republic of Lithuania, with outlined exceptions for ciritze... Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania
2020-04-04 International flights suspension All passenger air and ferry travel suspended... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-04-01 Economic measures Allocation of 4.5 million euros to support the country's cultural workers... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-03-30 Economic measures The government is doubling the financial support to maintain business liquidity from 500 million to ... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-03-31 Closure of businesses and public services Hotels in three specific town banned from housing tourists to avoid spread... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-03-31 Strengthening the public health system Vilnius Municipality will open two so-called fever clinics reserved for patients who are possibly in... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-03-31 Public services closure  Hotels in three specific town banned from housing tourists to avoid spread... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-03-27 Testing policy Of people with symptoms: Immediate testing of risk group (elderly of 60+, chronic diseases) and not ... Lithuanian Radio and Television
1970-01-01 Strengthening the public health system Coordination with 140 Lithuanian companies to produce the necessary medical and protective equipment... Lithuanian Radio and Television
2020-04-15 Limit public gatherings Extension: major public events to be continued to be banned without date of opening set yet... LRT news
2020-04-15 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Movement into and out of the town suspended, as it is a corona hotspot; travel in the town by car is... LRT news
2020-04-16 Mass population testing All residents of the town are being tested... LRT news
2020-03-24 Isolation and quarantine policies All people arriving at airport to be mandatory quarantined, some foreigners (e.g. transit) may be ex... LRT news
2020-03-20 Strengthening the public health system Purchasing of additional 2mio respirators and 6mio masks from China... LRT news
2020-03-24 Other public health measures enforced Supermarkets are required to implement cautionary measures, including disinfection of baskets and mi... LRT news
2020-03-16 Economic measures Economic plan, including loans, deferral of payments and taxes... LRT news
2020-03-12 Strengthening the public health system The Lithuanian government has decided to use 1.2 million euros from the state reserve for coronaviru... LRT news
2020-04-05 Economic measures Direct support to self-employed persons, with a monthly grant of 257 euros... LRT news
2020-04-15 Isolation and quarantine policies Movement into and out of the town suspended, as it is a corona hotspot; travel in the town by car is... LRT news
2020-03-11 Limit public gatherings Inside events for the Independence day canceled ... LRT news
2020-01-27 Border checks  Health monitoring of people arriving at borders or sea port; focus on obtaining information from peo... LRT news
2020-04-15 Domestic travel restrictions Movement into and out of the town suspended, as it is a corona hotspot; travel in the town by car is... LRT news
2020-03-24 Limit public gatherings Supermarkets are required to implement cautionary measures, including disinfection of baskets and mi... LRT news
2020-03-24 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies All people arriving at airport to be mandatory quaratined, some foreigners (e.g. transit) may be exe... LRT news
2020-04-09 Testing policy Vilnius city decided to test all health care professionals ... LRT News
2020-05-11 Limit public gatherings Outdoor events of under 30 people. Organisers must ensure 2-metre distances between people and 10-sq... LRT
2020-04-24 Testing policy Suspension of efforts to test all health professionals every 7 days, due to not being feasible and i... LRT
2020-04-30 Surveillance and monitoring Drones are being used to monitor people's movement and compliance with quarantine rules... LRT
2020-04-27 Limit public gatherings Sports and enternainment facilities to reopen, as long as they can ensure 10 square metres per clien... LRT
2020-05-31 Limit public gatherings Indoor events of under 30 people. Organisers must ensure a space of 10 square metres per person and ... LRT
2020-04-08 Public services closure  Extension: of non-essential customer businesses ban until 27th April... LRT
2020-05-11 Strengthening the public health system All dental services are allowed to be uptaken again... LRT
2020-04-08 Strengthening the public health system Payrise for medical health professionals decided... LRT
2020-04-08 Schools closure  Extension: school closure until 27th April... LRT
2020-05-18 Schools closure  Kindergartens and other pre-school education establishments are allowed to reopen.... LRT
2020-04-08 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Previously recommendation now mandatory to wear face mask; fines of up to 1000 EUR for individuals... LRT
2020-04-27 Public services closure  Catholic churches in Lithuania will resume public services, except on Sundays... LRT
2020-05-07 Limit public gatherings Additional outdoor activites are allowed, e.g. boating with more than two people... LRT
2020-04-24 Isolation and quarantine policies Sealed off town is reopened... LRT
2020-04-08 Closure of businesses and public services Extension: of non-essential customer businesses ban until 27th April... LRT
2020-05-11 Border closure  People are allowed to enter Lithuania for work or education from within EU (though still with 14 day... LRT
2020-04-24 Domestic travel restrictions Sealed off town is reopened... LRT
2020-04-08 Border closure  Immediate family members are now allowed to enter the country (before only permanent residents, dipl... LRT
2020-05-10 International flights suspension The Lithuanian government has allowed regular Vilnius-Frankfurt flights to resume; other flights to ... LRT
2020-04-27 Closure of businesses and public services Outdoor cafes, restaurants and bars will be allowed to reopen... LRT
2020-04-08 Emergency administrative structures activated or established New law allows Lithuanian government to regulate prices... LRT
2020-05-15 Isolation and quarantine policies Citizens from the neighbouring Baltic states and Poland do not need to undergo 14 day quarantine upo... LRT
2020-04-30 Checkpoints within the country Checkpoints installed to ensure compliance with quarantine measures during extended weekend... LRT
2020-04-24 Border closure  Extended until 14th May... LRT
2020-04-03 Border closure  Lithuania closes border to cars from Russia and Belarus (exemptions on freight)... LRT
2020-04-24 Border checks  Extended until 14th May... LRT
2020-05-11 Closure of businesses and public services Driving lessons and examinations in cars and other vehicles; Foreign language examination is allowed... LRT
2020-04-06 Economic measures Lithuania borrows €1.5bn + €2bn to stimulate economy... LRT
2020-05-27 Schools closure  Pre-school, pre-primary and non-formal education of children can be carried out in schools, provided... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-05-27 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Face masks, respirators or other protective equipment must be worn indoors, also outdoors... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-05-27 Border closure  Easing lockdown rules on borders... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-06-01 Closure of businesses and public services Catering facilities, restaurants, cafés, bars, nightclubs, other entertainment venues, gambling hou... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-06-01 Limit public gatherings Plans to gradually increase the allowed number of participants in cultural events... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-05-27 Partial lockdown Government has decided today to continue under the lockdown until 16 June 2020... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-05-25 International flights suspension Government has approved the Foreign Ministry’s proposal to resume scheduled flights to Norway as o... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-05-27 International flights suspension resumption of flights to more German airports and to the Netherlands... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-06-01 Isolation and quarantine policies Lithuania lifts self-isolation rule for travellers from 24 countries... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-05-27 Visa restrictions Easing lockdown rules on visas... Korona Stop -- Government's COVID-19 page
2020-02-24 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies All travellers from the Italian regions of Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna will still ... International SOS
2020-02-24 Isolation and quarantine policies All travellers from the Italian regions of Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna will still ... International SOS
2020-05-18 Closure of businesses and public services Casinos and arcades are allowed to reopen under strict hygiene regulations... Government
2020-05-07 Strengthening the public health system Allocation of at least EUR 100 000 for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine to international effort... Government
2020-05-12 Border closure  Extended until 31st May: border closure, except for Baltic states and additional exemptions for the ... Government
2020-05-04 Border closure  Lithuanian citizens are not banned anymore from leaving the country... Government
2020-04-07 Surveillance and monitoring App launched to monitor self-isolation and check symptoms + give advice... Government
2020-05-30 Strengthening the public health system Health centres providing recreational services will reopen.... Government
2020-04-30 Strengthening the public health system Healthcare providers may gradually uptake their normal processes, they are required to produce a pla... Government
2020-05-13 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Requirement to wear face masks in public lifted, only mandatory anymore in closed public spaces... Government
2020-05-13 Closure of businesses and public services Restaurants, Cafes, etc. will also be allowed to open their indoor facilities under strict hygiene m... Government
2020-05-18 Limit public gatherings Restrictions will relax for sailing on small, recreational, sports, private and conventional vessels... Government
2020-04-30 Limit public gatherings Various outdoor leisure activities are again allowed as long as they take place in open air and in g... Government
2020-05-13 Limit public gatherings Seating limitations on public transport to limit the proximity of travelers ... Government
2020-05-15 Awareness campaigns Reminder that every person carries an individual responsibility... Government
2020-05-13 Isolation and quarantine policies The quarantine regime shall be effective until 31 May 2020, 24:00.... Government
2020-05-30 Limit public gatherings Events up to 30 people not also allowed indoors, and not just outdoors as before... Government
1970-01-01 International flights suspension Unscheduled flights of more than 10 persons allowed at the case-by-case decision of the Ministry of ... Government
2020-05-13 General recommendations With the lifting of the requirement to wear face masks, they are recommended to be worn still in all... Government
2020-04-30 Other public health measures enforced Service providers will be able to provide services both indoor and outdoor longer than 20 minutes on... Government
2020-04-15 Public services closure  Stores, apart from food stores, allowed to reopen, if they have a separate direct entrance from the ... Government
2020-04-22 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Extension until 11th May: mandatory face mask wearing in all public spaces... Government
2020-05-04 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Extension: requirement to wear face masks in public (though children under 6 now exempted), previous... Government
2020-04-15 Closure of businesses and public services Stores, apart from food stores, allowed to reopen, if they have a separate direct entrance from the ... Government
2020-05-30 Schools closure  Basic and secondary education will be allowed to resume under strict regulations... Government
2020-05-25 Schools closure  Primary schools to reopen under strict regulations... Government
2020-04-17 Awareness campaigns ViLTė implemented - an automated conversation robot providing official COVID-19-related informatio... Government
2020-02-26 State of emergency declared ... Embassy of Lithuania to Finland
2020-05-15 Border closure  Baltic states agreed to open internal borders between the three countries... ERR
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