Liechtenstein - Population: 38,019
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-05-06 Awareness campaigns #hebensorg campaign for hygiene measures in schools launched... Government
2020-04-08 Economic measures 100 Mio CHF second economic package to protect jobs and provide liquidity to companies... Government
2020-04-30 Awareness campaigns About the reopening, doing sports responsibly... Government
2020-05-05 Economic measures Adaptation of bankrupcy laws to ensure greater chance of business continuity rather than meaning the... Government
2020-04-27 Strengthening the public health system All hospitals are allowed to uptake all surgical interventions and outpatient doctor's offices reope... Government
2020-05-15 Awareness campaigns A reminder of the responsibility of each individual in context of next gradual reopening steps... Government
2020-02-28 Limit public gatherings Ban on 1000+ events... Government
2020-03-23 Strengthening the public health system Capacities increased by postponing non essential surgeries and adding capacities at hospitals; drive... Government
2020-06-06 Closure of businesses and public services Cultural, entertainment institutions and tourist attractions to reopen (including lifts, camping spo... Government
2020-05-11 Schools closure  Distant education partially supplemented with small group in-person education ... Government
2020-03-30 Strengthening the public health system Drive-through counter with testing of persons staying in their cars possible... Government
2020-03-19 Public services closure  Events are being banned, public services closed if it is not possible to stick to safety measures; e... Government
2020-03-19 Limit public gatherings Events are being banned... Government
2020-06-06 Limit public gatherings Events of up to 300 persons allowed again; while a safety concept needs to be developed... Government
2020-04-30 Limit public gatherings Extension (undefined end date): of gatherings of less than 100 persons continue to be banned... Government
2020-04-17 Closure of businesses and public services Extension: of closure of cultural institutions remains... Government
2020-04-17 Public services closure  Extension: of closure of cultural institutions remains... Government
2020-04-24 Economic measures Extension of economic measures for May: the support for companies that were affected by the crises e... Government
2020-05-14 Border closure  Extension until 15th June: of all borders, except to Switzerland... Government
2020-05-27 Other public health measures enforced Extension until 15th September: special circumstances in justicial system with deadlines allowed to ... Government
2020-05-14 Economic measures Extension until 30th September: short-term work package... Government
2020-06-09 Economic measures Extension until end of September: short-term work payments; credits; one-time re-opening payment... Government
2020-05-11 Amendments to funeral and burial regulations Funerals are again allowed to be attended by extended family ... Government
2020-04-27 Amendments to funeral and burial regulations Funerals are again allowed to be attended by extended family ... Government
1970-01-01 Amendments to funeral and burial regulations Funerals are only allowed with the closest family circle present... Government
2020-02-26 Awareness campaigns General awareness information for population... Government
2020-05-05 Schools closure  Graduation exams are allowed to be held this year with strict hygiene measures... Government
2020-04-27 Closure of businesses and public services Hair dressers, massage and cosmetic studios are allowed to reopen... Government
2020-04-27 Public services closure  Hair dressers, massage and cosmetic studios are allowed to reopen... Government
2020-06-06 Awareness campaigns Importance of personal judgement during reopening emphasised... Government
2020-04-17 General recommendations In connection to the gradual opening, a conscious efforts to protect the most vulnerable and hygiene... Government
2020-03-18 Awareness campaigns Information hotline implemented... Government
2020-06-06 Other public health measures enforced Maximum of 4 persons at one table in restaurant lifted... Government
2020-04-15 Surveillance and monitoring Monitoring of waste water, as some evidence from the Netherlands showed that the coronavirus could b... Government
2020-05-18 Closure of businesses and public services Office for transport reopening its administrative offices... Government
2020-03-19 Economic measures Package included deferral of taxing, short-term work, and liquidity measures... Government
2020-03-27 Economic measures Portal established collecting information of restaurants with delivery service to support the contin... Liechtenstein Tourism
2020-04-14 Public services closure  Post offices slowly start reopening between 14-20 April... Liechtenstein Tourism
2020-04-14 Closure of businesses and public services Post offices slowly start reopening between 14-20 April... Liechtenstein Tourism
1970-01-01 Schools closure  Pre-schools remain open for persons in critical jobs... Government
2020-04-23 Other public health measures enforced Promotion of safety rules for companies in connection with gradual reopening; swiss materials used... Government
2020-03-19 Closure of businesses and public services Public services closed if it is not possible to stick to safety measures; essential services not aff... Government
2020-04-21 Economic measures Relaxing of declaration regulations around food products and their ingredients lists, as some ingred... Government
2020-05-15 Limit public gatherings Religious services are allowed again under strict hygiene measures... Government
2020-04-22 General recommendations Safety recommendations for elderly persons continue to apply, thus contact should generally be limit... Government
2020-03-18 Border closure  Schellenberg and Mauren will be closed, other areas kept open for transit and people... U.K. Government travel advice
2020-05-18 Schools closure  Schools opening normally again... Government
2020-05-05 Awareness campaigns Sensibilisation campaing #hebsorg with information materials designed for schools... Government
2020-03-14 Awareness campaigns Skiers coming home from abroad should observe their health carefully... Government
2020-05-15 Closure of businesses and public services Sports centres and facilities, and fitness centres allowed to reopen under strict hygiene measures... Government
2020-04-01 Military deployment Swiss military health personell ready to support Liechtenstein if needed... Government
2020-04-15 Testing policy Testing of employees working at institutions for elderly regularly ... Government
2020-04-16 Limit public gatherings The Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB) implemented - earlier than planned - their digital payment p... Government
2020-04-16 Other public health measures enforced The Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB) implemented - earlier than planned - their digital payment p... Government
2020-04-24 Limit public gatherings The national holiday celebration suspended... Government
2020-05-20 Limit public gatherings The previous person limit of 5 people gatherings outside liften; no new limit on max. amounts of per... Ministry of Society
2020-05-05 General recommendations To wear face masks in public transport... Government
2020-03-11 Isolation and quarantine policies Visits in elderly homes banned... Government
2020-03-11 Public services closure  Visits in elderly homes banned... Government
2020-03-16 Schools closure  closure of all public and private education institutions... Government
2020-03-12 Closure of businesses and public services closure of public baths... Government
2020-03-12 Limit public gatherings closure of public baths... Government
2020-03-16 Limit public gatherings closure of restaurants and bars starting 16 March; no more gatherings with more than 5 persons... Government
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