Iceland - Population: 339,031
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
2020-07-01 Strengthening the public health system One-time compensation payment for healthcare workers that were providing services at front lines... Ministry of Health
2020-06-16 Economic measures The Ministry sponsors training courses for jobseekers... Ministry of Health
2020-06-15 Testing policy Voluntary test possible for tourists arriving from abroad (EU) instead of 14 days quarantine; fee fo... Government
2020-06-15 Isolation and quarantine policies Tourists arriving may decide to forgo 14 days quarantine by doing a test; children are exempted in a... Government
2020-06-15 Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival Arriving tourists need to fill a form prior to arrival ... Government
2020-06-15 General recommendations Tourists are recommended to download tracking app... Government
2020-06-15 Limit public gatherings Crowd limits lifted form 200 to 500 people... Government
2020-06-15 Closure of businesses and public services Lifting of maximum person limit for swimming pools and fitness centers... Government
2020-06-12 Border closure  Extension until 1st July: Border closure for external EU, EFTA and UK borders... Government
2020-06-04 Strengthening the public health system Iceland is contributing half a billion ISK in vaccine development... Government
2020-06-03 Economic measures One time payment for carers of disabled and chronically ill children... Government
2020-06-02 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Social and Employment Teams Following Covid-19 Launched... Government
2020-05-29 Economic measures ISK 75 million support for the leisure of 12-16 year olds this summer... Government
2020-05-28 Strengthening the public health system An internet chat with nurses will be available every day from 9am to 6pm. 8 am - 10 pm... Government
2020-05-26 State of emergency declared State of emergency lowered to crisis state... Government
2020-05-26 Border closure  Icelandic companies can apply for an exemption for nationals of non-EEA and EFTA nationals on the ba... Government
2020-05-26 Economic measures Increases in government budget to cover COVID-19 economic impacts through labour market measure, as ... Government
2020-05-25 Limit public gatherings Gatherings of up to 200 people allowed again; set until 21st June... Government
2020-05-25 Closure of businesses and public services Fitness centres and swimming pools are open with a maximum of 50% of their normal capacity... Government
2020-05-19 Economic measures The catch limit that can be transferred to next year for fishers was increased from 15 to 25 %... Government
2020-05-19 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Working group assigned to assess the state of the local government... Government
2020-05-18 Closure of businesses and public services Swimming pools and baths allowed to reopen, subject to certain conditions... Government
2020-05-15 Border closure  Some professionals arriving in Iceland including scientists, filmmakers and athletes will be eligibl... Government
2020-05-15 Isolation and quarantine policies Some professionals arriving in Iceland including scientists, filmmakers and athletes will be eligibl... Government
2020-05-14 Psychological assistance and medical social work Research on well-being of students during COVID-19 on the way... Government
2020-05-14 Isolation and quarantine policies People arriving from Greenland or Faroe Islands are not required to isolate for 14 days anymore, as ... Government
2020-05-13 Economic measures ISK 200 million additional funding in regional plans... Government
2020-05-13 Isolation and quarantine policies Extension until 15th June: 14 day quarantine for all arrivals... Government
2020-05-12 Economic measures Agreement with all major commercial banks for granting additional loans... Government
2020-05-11 International flights suspension Agreement between government and Iceland Air to maintain minimum international flight schedule... Government
2020-05-08 Economic measures Ease of taxi driver permit granting ... Government
2020-05-04 Closure of businesses and public services New services may be started, such as at hairdressing massage and beauty parlors, dentists can start ... Government
2020-05-04 Schools closure  Opening of traditional schooling in kindergartens and compulsory schools, it is possible to re-open ... Government
2020-05-04 Limit public gatherings Limit of people gathering raised from 20 to 50, two meter rules of distancing remain unchanged... Government
2020-05-04 Public services closure  New services may be started, such as at hairdressing massage and beauty parlors, dentists can start ... Government
2020-05-04 Economic measures Extension: Exemptions for economically important companies will remain unchanged... Government
2020-05-04 Strengthening the public health system Extension: The Director of Health's instructions from March 23 last. Optional surgeries or other inv... Government
2020-04-30 Economic measures The Sports and Olympic Association of Iceland will be assigned to allocate ISK 450 million. State su... Government
2020-04-29 Other public health measures enforced The tournament is held as a foreign model under the name "HacktheCrisisIceland" and is part of the g... Government
2020-04-28 Economic measures Extension: Government announces extension of part-time unemployment benefits until 31st August... Government
2020-04-28 Other public health measures enforced Extension until 1st June: for the mandatory check-ups of vehicles... Government
2020-04-24 Other public health measures enforced Guidance document on self-quarantine updated... Government
2020-04-24 General recommendations Extension: advice against any travels abroad... Government
2020-04-24 Isolation and quarantine policies All persons arriving in Iceland will need to be quarantined for 14 days; set until 15th May... Government
2020-04-24 Border checks  In connection with the mandatory quarantine regulation change... Government
2020-04-22 Economic measures Food fund with ISK 500 million established for the agricultural sector... Government
2020-04-21 Economic measures Worth up to 420m USD, the latest phase of the economic response focuses on support and protections f... Government
2020-04-21 Strengthening the public health system Prioritisation of innovation with increased investments and higher reimbursement for research and de... Government
2020-04-21 Psychological assistance and medical social work Economic support increased with focus on mental health with remote medical services being strengthen... Government
2020-04-20 Economic measures Regulation from the Ministry of Industry, the Minister of Industry and Innovation, which allows film... Government
2020-04-20 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Unit on information mismanagement established... Government
2020-04-17 Economic measures The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and the Central Bank of Iceland have signed an agreemen... Government
2020-04-16 Border closure  Extension until 15th May: foreigners who are neither EEA nor EFTA nationals will continue to be proh... Government
2020-04-16 Economic measures Speeding up payments for agriculture, especially targeted towards large-scale sheep farmers... Government
2020-04-15 Closure of businesses and public services Air transport to Egilsstadir and Ísafjörður secured up to and including 5 May... Government
2020-04-15 Public services closure  Air transport to Egilsstadir and Ísafjörður secured up to and including 5 May... Government
2020-04-15 Psychological assistance and medical social work Production of resources to ensure good mental health... Government
2020-04-14 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Cross-Nordic group tasked to outline a Nordic roadmap for closer cooperation established; particular... Government
2020-04-14 Strengthening the public health system Funding for research into the mental health effects of the COVID-19 in Iceland... Government
2020-04-14 Economic measures Half a billion kr. will run for cultural work and creative arts, with a special focus on self-employ... Government
2020-04-10 Awareness campaigns General awareness campaigns on staying healthy during the home stay, including presencing, showing k... Government
2020-04-06 Schools closure  Extension: school closure for arly childhood education and care, primary and secondary education and... Government
2020-04-06 Awareness campaigns Awareness of not using alcohol of drugs as relief for this situation... Government
2020-04-01 Surveillance and monitoring Volunatary tracking app used for contact tracing... Government
2020-03-24 Limit public gatherings Ban on gatherings of more than 20 people... Government
2020-03-24 Public services closure  Then 20 person gathering-ban also affects public places such as swimming pools, gyms, pubs and museu... Government
2020-03-23 Strengthening the public health system Discontinuation of all non-essential health procedures... Directorate of Health
2020-03-23 Limit public gatherings Extension: Ban on gathering of 20+ persons until 4th May... Government
2020-03-21 Economic measures Extensive economic measures of 1.6bn USD implemented, including state-backed loans, government uptak... Government
2020-03-20 Border closure  Non-EU citizen are not allowed to enter Island anymore... Directorate of Health
2020-03-19 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies All people arriving to Island are mandated to self-quaratine for 14 days, irrespective of place of d... Government
2020-03-19 Isolation and quarantine policies All people arriving to Island are mandated to self-quaratine for 14 days, irrespective of place of d... Government
2020-03-16 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies 14 day self-quarantine for all those arriving from high risk places. ... Government of Iceland
2020-03-16 Limit public gatherings limit of public gatherings to 100 people... Government
2020-03-16 Isolation and quarantine policies 14 day self-quarantine for all those arriving from high risk places. ... Government of Iceland
2020-03-13 Mass population testing All citizens are offered screening ... Government of Iceland
2020-03-13 Schools closure  Secondary and university buildings are closed; pre-school and elementary schools continue if they ca... Directorate of Health
2020-03-10 Economic measures Specific support to the tourism sector... International Monetary Fund
2020-03-06 State of emergency declared Did not trigger additional measures than those already in place... Government
2020-02-28 Awareness campaigns Targeted material development for explaining COVID-19 to kids... Directorate of Health
2020-02-24 General recommendations Discouraging of all unnecessary travels ... Directorate of Health
1970-01-01 Closure of businesses and public services Restaurants, entertainment venues, pubs and arcades: It is possible to be open until 23:00. ... Government
1970-01-01 General recommendations Preventive measure recommendation for the elderly ... Government
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