Hungary - Population: 9,684,679
Lockdown & social distancing
All counter measures
1970-01-01 Visa restrictions only Hungarian citizens and permanent resident card holders of the European Economic Area (EU member... US Embassy
2020-02-03 Health screenings in airports and border crossings All passengers arriving from China at Budapest’s Liszt Ferenc International Airport are being test... Official Website
2020-02-03 Awareness campaigns action plan drafted: hotline for information on virus est., stocks of medical supplies reinforced as... Official Website
2020-02-04 Emergency administrative structures activated or established “operative board” has been set up to coordinate the actions of state authorities that would be i... Official Website
2020-02-05 Health screenings in airports and border crossings National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) are checking travelers entering Hungary for coronavirus at six maj... Official Website
2020-02-26 Awareness campaigns Employees of the interior, defense and foreign ministries, the human resources ministry, the innovat... Official Website
2020-02-28 General recommendations PM Orbán warned Hungarians not to travel to infected areas but also assured them that "the governme... Official Website
2020-03-02 Border closure  Hungary is suspending the admission of illegal migrants into the transit zone on the country’s sou... Official Website
2020-03-03 Mass population testing Hungarian authorities have so far tested 4,927 people for coronavirus at entry points into the count... Official Website
2020-03-05 Awareness campaigns The operative board is also setting up a Facebook page, in addition to the existing information chan... Official Website
2020-03-05 Strengthening the public health system Regarding protective face masks, the operative board decided that stocks of medical masks should be ... Official Website
2020-03-09 International flights suspension Budapest Airport announced that Liszt Ferenc International Airport would not receive flights from Mi... Official Website
2020-03-09 Limit public gatherings the Hungarian government has decided to cancel this weekend’s March 15 state national holiday cele... Official Website
2020-03-09 Public services closure  Visiting restrictions put in place at hospitals and homes for the elderly... Official Website
2020-03-09 Closure of businesses and public services Visiting restrictions put in place at hospitals and homes for the elderly... Official Website
2020-03-09 General recommendations Don't go to a doctor in person, but phone your GP or the special virus helpline... Official Website
2020-03-10 Isolation and quarantine policies Lakatos said any foreign patients who refuse to cooperate with the authorities risk being expelled f... Official Website
2020-03-10 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Lakatos said any foreign patients who refuse to cooperate with the authorities risk being expelled f... Official Website
2020-03-10 Visa restrictions The foreign ministry has decided that visas issued to Iranian citizens that have not yet been stampe... Official Website
2020-03-11 Limit public gatherings Public gatherings banned of more than 100 indoors and more than 500 outdoors.... Government
2020-03-11 Schools closure  Universities will be temporarily closed. Education may be continued via e-learning.... Official Website
2020-03-11 State of emergency declared ... Government
2020-03-11 Visa restrictions Non-nationals arriving from China, Italy, Iran, Israel, South Korea are not allowed to enter. Nation... Government
2020-03-11 Economic measures Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has pledged government support for economic players that suffer losses ... Official Website
2020-03-12 Schools closure  Students are forbidden to enter the premises of higher education institutions.... Official Website
2020-03-12 Visa restrictions he expired official documents valid in the territory of Hungary of Hungarian nationals will remain v... Official Website
2020-03-12 Military deployment he Hungarian government reintroduced border controls with Austria to allow the country to effectivel... Official Website
2020-03-13 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies A sign from the authorities (“red card”) must be posted on the door which serves as a warning to... Official Website
2020-03-13 International flights suspension no flights from Italy will be received in Hungary... Official Website
2020-03-13 Border checks  Border checks with Slovenia, Austria, and Croatia... Government
2020-03-13 Isolation and quarantine policies A sign from the authorities (“red card”) must be posted on the door which serves as a warning to... Official Website
2020-03-14 Schools closure  Elementary and high schools are closed from 16 March... Government
2020-03-16 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies Those who may have been infected are being quarantined for 2 weeks.... US Embassy
2020-03-16 Awareness campaigns only follow credible news sources. warning against fake news. The Hungarian government has created t... Official Website
2020-03-16 Isolation and quarantine policies Those who may have been infected are being quarantined for 2 weeks.... US Embassy
2020-03-16 Limit public gatherings all events in Hungary will be banned starting at midnight on Monday, adding that sporting events sho... Official Website
2020-03-16 Emergency administrative structures activated or established set up an action group of Hungarian virologists... Official Website
2020-03-17 Surveillance and monitoring Failure to comply with the rules set by the authorities concerning the coronavirus outbreak will con... Official Website
2020-03-17 Border closure  only Hungarian citizens will be allowed to enter the country. The restriction relates to all road, r... Official Website
2020-03-17 Strengthening the public health system , hospitals are suspending elective surgeries and examinations due to the coronavirus infection; onl... Official Website
2020-03-17 Partial lockdown shops and restaurants (excluding food stores and pharmacies) must close at 3 p.m. due to the coronav... Official Website
2020-03-17 Public services closure  Scheduled chimney checks suspended in Budapest... Official Website
2020-03-17 General recommendations The organizations of pediatricians are asking parents not to take their children suspected of having... Official Website
2020-03-17 Closure of businesses and public services Scheduled chimney checks suspended in Budapest... Official Website
2020-03-18 Strengthening the public health system Chief medical officer Cecília Müller said the number of test laboratories has been “significantl... Official Website
2020-03-18 Public services closure  Government offices will only receive customers by appointment. Ban put in place for visiting residen... Official Website
2020-03-18 Awareness campaigns Following a cabinet meeting today, PM Orbán will make an announcement on his social media account.... Official Website
2020-03-18 Closure of businesses and public services Government offices will only receive customers by appointment. Ban put in place for visiting residen... Official Website
2020-03-18 Economic measures Half of the 9,000 companies that have responded so far to a survey by the Hungarian Chamber of Comme... Official Website
2020-03-19 Economic measures Hungary is continuing to do everything possible to assure continuous freight shipments “We are con... Official Website
2020-03-20 Isolation and quarantine policies People displaying mild symptoms must remain in stay-at-home quarantine. People with severe symptoms,... Official Website
2020-03-20 Introduction of isolation and quarantine policies People displaying mild symptoms must remain in stay-at-home quarantine. People with severe symptoms,... Official Website
2020-03-20 Public services closure  National Utilities (NKM) group companies suspend the reading of public utility meters... Official Website
2020-03-20 Military deployment Operative groups set up by the defense ministry have started working at 71 Hungarian companies to co... Official Website
2020-03-20 Economic measures suspending payments of principal, interest and fees on all retail and corporate loans. Minister Varg... Official Website
2020-03-20 Closure of businesses and public services National Utilities (NKM) group companies suspend the reading of public utility meters... Official Website
2020-03-20 Emergency administrative structures activated or established The foreign ministry has set up a working group to organize the return of Hungarians stranded abroad... Official Website
2020-03-21 General recommendations Only visit the post office if it's absolutely necessary... Official Website
2020-03-21 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Government to seek Parliament’s support with bill on containment of coronavirus epidemic. the goal... Official Website
2020-03-22 Visa restrictions Local and regional transport service providers will accept expired official documents verifying elig... Official Website
2020-03-23 Military deployment Hungarian Armed Forces increase presence along Hungary’s northern border... Official Website
2020-03-23 Emergency administrative structures activated or established Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, has called on parliament to pass the gov... Official Website
2020-03-23 Economic measures Contactless payment limit raised to HUF 15,000 to help reduce virus... Official Website
2020-03-23 Strengthening the public health system An aircraft carrying 11 tons of protective gear arrived from Shanghai at Budapest’s international ... Official Website
2020-03-24 Economic measures after taxi drivers, further small businesses and individual entrepreneurs would be granted exemption... Official Website
2020-03-24 Strengthening the public health system New shipment of more than 3 million face masks, protective gear and 86 ventilators arrives in Hungar... Official Website
2020-03-25 Strengthening the public health system MOL to produce 50,000 liters of disinfectant per day... Official Website
2020-03-26 Border closure  Hungary and Romania will reopen their shared border to commuters.... Official Website
2020-03-26 Military deployment The defense ministry has confirmed that army teams are being deployed to help 84 strategic companies... Official Website
2020-03-26 Economic measures Government earmarks HUF 15 billion for the purchase of additional medical equipment... Official Website
2020-03-26 Strengthening the public health system State-of-the-art tent hospital built in Budapest... Official Website
2020-03-27 Schools closure  Universities to remain closed despite state of emergency expiry date... Official Website
2020-03-27 Economic measures Budget in place to help those affected by the coronavirus... Official Website
2020-03-28 Partial lockdown restrictions on movement in Hungary. People are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work or t... Official Website
2020-03-28 Other public health measures enforced Between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. only people over the age of 65 will be permitted to shop in food stores, ... Official Website
2020-03-30 State of emergency declared state of emergency extended ... Official Website
2020-03-30 Strengthening the public health system Healthcare workers are getting a free pass for all long-distance public transport services in Hungar... Official Website
2020-03-31 Surveillance and monitoring Müller said a new system will soon be introduced on the official website. “Mor... Official Website
2020-03-31 Economic measures Government has spent HUF 225 billion (EUR 630.3m) on virus response... Official Website
2020-03-31 Emergency administrative structures activated or established law on the coronavirus containment effort. During the state of emergency, the government is authori... Official Website
2020-03-31 Military deployment The defense minister has revealed that army officers have started their command of 51 hospitals out ... Official Website
2020-04-01 Strengthening the public health system Face masks and other medical protective gear recently received from China has been distributed among... Official Website
2020-04-02 Psychological assistance and medical social work “Rest the doc” Facebook group helps healthcare workers during coronavirus crisis... Official Website
2020-04-02 Border checks  Work proof needed to cross Hungarian-Austrian border and Balassagyarmat crossing... Official Website
2020-04-03 Economic measures The government will be rewarding each healthcare worker with an additional allowance of HUF 500,000 ... Official Website
2020-04-04 Economic measures PM Orbán said his government will create as many jobs as are lost in the coronavirus crisis... Official Website
2020-04-06 Economic measures The Hungarian government is setting up a HUF 663 billion (EUR 1.8bn) fund to combat the novel corona... Official Website
2020-04-06 Other public health measures enforced public parking in Hungary will be free from today so that people can use their own cars and keep di... Official Website
2020-04-07 Economic measures reintroduction of the Growth Loan Program (NHP), under the name of Go, NHP (NHP Hajrá) providing a... Official Website
2020-04-09 Partial lockdown movement restrictions extended to further notice ... Official Website
2020-04-10 Limit public gatherings Easter services canceled across the country... Official Website
2020-04-16 Partial lockdown Restrictions on movement extended for one more week... Government Website
2020-04-16 Strengthening the public health system Hungary’s health authorities begin inspecting the country’s 1,579 elderly care homes... Government Website
2020-04-16 Surveillance and monitoring Hungary’s health authorities begin inspecting the country’s 1,579 elderly care homes... Official Website
2020-04-19 Strengthening the public health system Hospitals to free up 50 percent of beds for COVID-19 cases... Official Website
2020-04-22 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Budapest residents to wear face masks on public transport, in shops, markets and taxis... Government Website
2020-04-24 Border closure  Three crossing points re-open at Hungarian-Serbian border... Official Website
2020-04-25 Economic measures granted a four-month exemption from fixed-rate tax of small (KATA) taxpayers in 26 scopes of activit... Government Website
2020-04-27 Requirement to wear protective gear in public Budapest residents to wear face masks on public transport, in shops, markets and taxis... Official Website
2020-04-27 Testing policy outpatients are released only after two negative test results and if there are no longer any symptom... Government Website
2020-04-29 Surveillance and monitoring Hungary’s medical universities are launching a screening program on Friday to estimate the actual ... Government Website
2020-05-01 Limit public gatherings public events continue to be limited ot 500 people until August 15... Government Website
2020-05-01 International flights suspension Budapest-based airline Wizz Air is restarting 16 flights from Budapest in May, while flights from De... Government Website
2020-05-01 Schools closure  extension of school closure through may... Government Website
2020-05-02 Strengthening the public health system Hungary is among the first to participate in Remdesivir clinical trials in the region... Government Website
2020-05-04 Border closure  businesspeople from six countries can enter Hungary from today. Citizens of the Czech Republic, Pol... Government Website
2020-05-04 Testing policy Passengers arriving at Budapest’s Liszt Ferenc International Airport, which saw the relaunch of so... Government Website
2020-05-04 Full lockdown under new measures coming into effect on May 4, everyone living in Budapest and Pest County will onl... Government Website
2020-05-04 Limit public gatherings government has decided to allow sports events to take place throughout Hungary from Monday, as long ... Government Website
2020-05-04 Closure of businesses and public services Outside the capital and Pest County, the terraces of restaurants, hotels and cafés will be allowed ... Government Website
2020-05-05 Limit public gatherings Most Hungarian dioceses outside of Budapest are resuming church services with precautions in place, ... Government Website
2020-05-05 Strengthening the public health system patients can again make appointments with their GPs, dentists and other doctors. Some transplant ope... Government Website
2020-05-11 Strengthening the public health system Minister signs cooperation agreement on vaccine production with the University of Debrecen... Government Website
2020-05-13 Economic measures Government extends wage support scheme... Government Website
2020-05-14 Border closure  Two crossings re-open on Hungary-Austria border... Government Website
2020-05-15 Limit public gatherings weddings and funerals attended by up to 200 people will be permitted from June 1 outside of the capi... Government Website
2020-05-16 Full lockdown the government is lifting the curfew restrictions imposed due to the novel coronavirus epidemic in ... Government Website
2020-05-18 Requirement to wear protective gear in public compulsory to wear a mask in shops and on public transport in Budapest in order to prevent the spre... Government Website
2020-05-18 Other public health measures enforced People over the age of 65 will continue to be allowed to visit groceries, drugstores and pharmacies ... Government Website
2020-05-18 Closure of businesses and public services All shops and service providers will be allowed to open, and at restaurants, cafes and bars, the out... Government Website
2020-05-21 Border closure  All Hungarian-Romanian border crossings to open tomorrow... Government Website
2020-05-26 Economic measures 2021 budget includes HUF 3,000 billion for pandemic defense fund... Government Website
2020-05-27 Border closure  Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic will open their borders for citizens of the neighboring cou... Government Website
2020-05-29 Border closure  Hungary and Slovenia lift joint border restrictions... Government Website
2020-05-29 Limit public gatherings Outdoor sporting and cultural events, restaurants and hotels to reopen across Hungary... Government Website
2020-05-29 Economic measures government will extend the job protection wage subsidy scheme until August 31... Government Website
2020-05-30 Closure of businesses and public services Budapest restaurants to open indoor areas from tomorrow... Government Website
2020-06-01 Limit public gatherings weddings can be held in the countryside and in Pest County from June 1 to a maximum of 200 people... Government Website
2020-06-02 Border closure  Hungary-Serbia border to reopen ... Government Website
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